
  1. O

    Aqua-Dex how to you take it?

    Can anyone help me with how to take this product and how much at what times? Thanks, Onemind
  2. akn

    prime Jay cuttler vs prime phil heath

    The ultimate competition for proving who’s the best bodybuilder in the world is right around the corner. The Mr. Olympia contest is more than just a simple bodybuilding competition, but an event that features a number of different athletes and recreations. The Olympia has a long history...
  3. 9

    Ronda Rousey tops list of USADA tests done on UFC fighters

    USADA has just released their initial list of UFC fighters they've tested under the new drug testing policy that took effect last July. Topping the list with most testing done is Ronda Rousey, who is no stranger to Olympic-style testing and has already received 5 tests to date. Most...
  4. Presser

    UFC’s Anti-Doping Chief Knows a Steroid User When He Sees Him!

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif; font-size: 18px; line-height: 29px; ">by Frank Evans UFC’s Anti-Doping Chief Jeff Novitzky Knows a Steroid User When He Sees Him</header> Jeff Novitzky may have the glorified title of Vice...
  5. 9

    Stefan Struve accidentally spinning back kicks trainer in face

    <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/71Vm69zbppk" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe> this is funny to me, i've almost blasted a boxing coach in the face before several times, never hit him, but came damn close. it's always one of those moments where i...
  6. akn

    Anabolic Steroids and Building Muscle During Endurance Training

    Q: “I understand that heavy training is the key to building muscle, but I have some lagging muscles that just aren’t responding. Sometimes I do a lot of endurance work, but I’ve always avoided that during cycles. Could I get a size benefit from*anabolic steroidswhile doing endurance training?”...
  7. O

    Clomid and how long between cycles...

    found it lol
  8. S

    Diaries of An Ectomorph

    Ectomorph, it just sounds like the freakish of all body types to be cursed with; like anorEXIA sort of. And the double-death? Skinny-fat body-type! That is me. I have a solid 10 years of lifting under my belt. When I started I was a small-fry in the gym and still am. I weighed 170lbs. at 6'2"...
  9. Presser

    Been Jacking off about 3 times daily now

    Im super surprised more of you perverts aren't posting in this forum lol, as for my title, it was a joke of course, i jack of way more than 3 times daily lmao
  10. eswol

    Ordered from 3 online MC board sponsors

    Hey guys did a little experiment ordering from a few board sponsors to see what the service and turn times were like. Pretty pleased witha few ot so from another but thought this might help those who are thinking of ordering and supporting the board sponsors. Synthetek....ordered Monday and...
  11. Get_Swole

    Anyone pinning their cruise dose Sub Q?

    Been reading a lot about it lately, and to minimize scar tissue, on my cruises I have been thinking about going the sub Q route, from what I read it is actually absorbed even better then IM. Only will be doing .4 to .5ml of oil per shot twice to 3 times a week depending on the mg/ml. I was...
  12. Y

    getting in your food every day

    I'm sure you've heard this about a million times, but I'm going to make it a million and one times. I'm getting tired of eating chicken and eggs all the time. It takes me a good 1/2 hr to finish my meals now because I'm so tired of eating it that I have to chew on everything forever so I can...