
  1. D

    tren and intermittent fasting.

    So Taking 75 mg of Tren ace everyday. along with 400 mg of test per week. I had to have a blood test for surgery. The hospital called my wife answered, they asked her if I was ok and if I was acting weird or off in any way. She told them no, why do you ask. They tell her that my sugar came back...
  2. G

    Best carrier oil for dark tren

    Hello Am brewing since 2 years, but recently some brewera start doing dark tinted tren, also some red tea color trenbolone and people thinks its better and paying double the price to get that, What the carrier oil is used to get that color? It's like whiskey color Also am planning ti start my...
  3. D


    I know tren does not convert to estro. However I've been told the Prolactin can bloat you. I was very confused, as I was not looking as I thought I would on Tren. Well I have from a very smart board member that Caber which should be on hand at a minimum while on tren can take care of the...
  4. B

    Tren year round?

    Has anyone tried it ? 1 year experiment adding Tren E to TRT regimen (6 months in)
  5. fullytorqued

    Cycle log using Pharmacom gear

    Last week I started my run-up to spring with a tren-e test-c cycle with what I had left over from last year. This will be my third tren cycle with the first two being 200/wk Tren E and 250/wk Test E. I didn't feel stable at that interval so I'm going to e5d. Can't run Tren A due to frequent...
  6. D

    2 19 nor at the same time?

    I'm thinking of running my cycle with tren ace and npp, along with test and mast. I will have anti-p, nolva and adex. I have read that winstrol at about 20mg everyday helps offset the prolactin issues? I have experience with tren, have any of you ever done 2 19 nor at the same time or is this...
  7. D

    starting cycle.

    ok fellas, just for completeness, I'm 52yrs old 511 jut got down to 195 lbs. I'm pretty lean, little lower back, little front torso fat. not much but needs work. Shortly I will begin the spring ritual of transformation. Goals will be to reach 210 some where around 10% bodyfat. I know that sounds...
  8. A

    Advice on brewing and safe handling of Metribolone.

    I have a couple of questions guys and this forum was recommended to me as having a great home brew section. Any safety precautions that should be put in place when handling large quantities of Metribolone? With the average dosage being 0.5-2mg it does concern me handling 25g + of this powder...
  9. D


    I done a few cycles, test, tren , mast, t-bol, d-bol. I have a question about low dose d-bol say 20-25 mg everyday. What is the longest time you guys have ran it.
  10. D


    Any of you other over 40 guys love Tren like I do. Every time I use it, I look in the mirror and can't believe it's me, just big and separated, veins everywhere. I'm prob too old (52) to be messing with this stuff, but damn, it's amazing. Low test, maybe 200 mg a week, Mast maybe 500 mg a week...
  11. fullytorqued

    Tren Fatigue / Bad T3 Reaction

    Just like the subject says, I'm getting energy fatigue with when running Tren. Some problems with night sweats; insomnia and mood swings are minimal. I keep levels low, like 350mg tren E/wk, 350 test cyp/Wk, and 50mg var. .5 caber E3D / .5 armidex EOD I'm in the best shape of my life, good...
  12. drtbear1967

    Oral vs Injectable Tren

    Acetate Injections Methyltrienolone is structurally similar to trenbolone (Parabolan/Finaplix), a well-liked and powerful androgen that does not aromatize to estrogen. The difference is the attachment of a 17-alpha-methyl group for oral activity. So one could refer to methyltrienolone as oral...
  13. H

    Diet Help (On Cycle)

    Taking tri test 400mg/ml + tren E 200mg/ml (1ml each per week, split into 2 doses) and 1 anavar (50mg) in the morning per day. Training 3x a week, push/pull/legs split. I started at 84kg, established at 87kg now for 2 weeks, just wanted to run my diet past you guys to see if I should up it /...
  14. H

    High Blood Pressure

    My blood pressure was 120/80 ish mid July last year. When I was on just test it went to about 130/85 but then gradually kept increasing then stablised at around 140/85. Once off cycle and doing PCT, it was still a bit high, around 135/80. Now I am on some tri-test (400mg/ml) and tren...
  15. Muscle mechanic

    Mechanic's new cycle

    So got my labs and here they are... Stayed on DHB 525-700wk Primo E 450wk Mast E 200wk Test cyp 100mg wk Test prop 50mg MWF Hgh 3.3iu everyday to labs pinned after draw that morning. GW 10mg a day I took last pin of all 8 days before draw. I came in good. Lipids good. A1C good Liver good...
  16. M

    New Cycle Soon

    Hello everyone, So this will be my next cycle, would love to hear what you guys think about it : Goal is to add mass New cycle Week 1-16: Test E 600mg / w Week 1-6: Anadrol 50mg ed Week 1-6: NPP 500 /w Week 8 - 13 Tren A 50mg ( first time ever using tren ) total 6 weeks only Adex 0.5mg...
  17. D

    lowering red blood cell count

    Ok Guru's. My rbc are too high, prob from the trt, just got test results, 19.4 . My Dr. said I have to get to 17.5. He controls my trt so I want him to be happy, and I get 200 mg a week. Now the question, I will be taking tren soon, other than donating blood and drinking lot's of water, is there...
  18. H

    Adding Anastrozole (Arimidex) to Cycle

    *Posting on behalf of a close friend, I am personally on PCT, his words below* I am on tri-test 400mg / 200mg tren per week (split into 2 jabs, 0.5ml of each mixed in each jab) and anavar (1x50mg in the morning with breakfast). My only side effect, which I have had before, is when I wake up...
  19. J

    First Tren cycle. Your thoughts?

    Planning my next cycle and have never ran Tren before so I thought I’d get some opinions on what I’m thinking about running. Wk1-3 30-50mg anadrol 100mg test e or c eod 50mg Tren A ed 100iu hcg ed starting around 7 Wk 4-10 Drop the drol keep the rest until cycle is complete open on...
  20. R

    Which cycle would produce the most gains

    3) 1-8 Tren ace 100mg EOD (3) 1-8test prop 100mg EOD ————————————————- (6) npp m/w/f 200mg/MWF 1-10 (3) 1-15Tren e 200mg/MF (3) 1-15 test e 250mg/MF 1-20 weeks Deca 450mg/1xweek 1-13 test e 250mg/2xweek 14-21 Masteron prop EOD 150mg