
  1. drtbear1967

    13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)dien-17-one AKA Max-LMG

    13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)dien-17-one AKA Max-LMG. Structurally, it's actually a progestin derivative(like tren) and must convert to its active form in the body. It is incapable of aromatizing, however being a progestin, it can bind to and activate the progesterone receptors, which may...
  2. C

    Best Strength Gear?

    Whats everyones take on the absolute best strength gear... injections only as orals I seem to lose those gains pretty quick after...... I have tried Tren E, Deca, Eq, ..... another questions is because I know everyone will say Tren... how about 1.5G test e, a week solo vs 4-600mg tren +...
  3. guardianactual

    MENT + Tren woah.

    So, I bought a bottle of TNE off a guy at the gym. And loved it so he offered me Tren Base so I ran both. Everyday in oct. Til it ran out. Now I'm using his brand of Tren A, test P and ment. I'm doing 300ew tren. 300ew ment 150ee test p. And 20mg ED of superdrol and it's crazy. My issue is I...
  4. C

    20 lbs in 4 weeks cycle log!

    About to start a little bulk on top of my current bulk goal is to gain 20+ lbs in 4 weeks of course there is gonna be some fat but I can't wait to see what happens/// currently on 800mg test a week, 500mg deca 34 years old 5'-11" 205 12% ish BF morning weight... additional stack week 1-6...
  5. gandhisays

    Peptides - Steroids - The POSITIVE versus NEGATIVE

    Peptides - Steroids - The POSITIVE versus NEGATIVE Steroids are the synthetic drugs just like the natural hormones produced in the body. AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) is the type of steroids, which copy the effect of male hormones and testosterone; AAS are used by people to build muscles...
  6. M

    Synovex to Tren

    Does anyone have step by step on how to convert synovex to tren? Thanks.
  7. R

    Cycle help

    Hey guys. Looking for some help building my cycle. I’ve done 7-8 cycles before. 5”10 205 I have 2000mg of tren a, 2000mg of test p, 5000 mg of test cyp and 75 20mg anavar Let me know what you think the best stack will be please Thank You Rangers Lead The Way
  8. Presser

    The Best Steroid Stacks For Short Cycles. Trenbolone Acetate - Testosterone Propionate - Winstrol - lr3 IGF 1

    The Best Steroid Stacks For Short Cycles. Trenbolone Acetate - Testosterone Propionate - Winstrol - IGF 1 lr3 A short anabolic steroid cycle is generally considered to be no longer than 6 weeks. Short steroid cycles have many benefits over the longer duration anabolic steroid cycles which...
  9. thx

    Fuck it! Winter cycle: Test cyp, Tren ena, EQ etc...

    I changed my mind. I was gonna do a test prop cycle again but I got some old Test Cyp and EQ laying around and I forgot about the Tren E I've ordered a long time ago. So who wants to help me put together a winter cycle?! This is what I have: Test cyp ~60ml + 4x10ml vials EQ ~ 20ml + 10ml vial...
  10. drtbear1967


    Dimethyltrienolone is a hybrid between trestolone and methyltrienolone(methyl tren) and is an extremely potent and toxic steroid. It was first synthesized in 1967 but was deemed too toxic to be brought to market. Based on its chemical structure there are 3 main sections of which to be aware...
  11. R

    Looking for some suggestions

    I am fairly new to this. I have been running some light cycles for about 6 or 7 years. Such as a cut mix tren, prop and masteron. Winnie and suston, prop and tren E. I usually just run a cycle in the summer just to give me a little boost as I get older. With that being said I am a lean 6'7 and...
  12. W

    Test,deca,eq,winny cycle...add tren or masterone ?

    Thinking 750 test 500 deca 500 eq run winstrol last 50 days at 100mg a day. Should I dare add tren or would masterone work better ? The goal is strength and size. - - - Updated - - - oh yea masterone would be every second day, or tren 100 ace 400mg a week. - - - Updated - - - masteron prop...
  13. B

    AAS during and after knee replacement surgery?

    Hello all, I am scheduled to have one of my knees replaced on 11/01/18. I am 56yrs, 6'6", 275lbs, 12%bf, and have been cycling for several years. I cruise with TRT doses and blast with Test P, Tren, and Mast. 1ml each EOD. I run long cycles 12-16 weeks. I used to power lift until my 40s. I do...
  14. Musclebeauty

    Cardarine (sarm)

    GW-501516 GW-501516, better known as Cardarine, is a unique medication officially classified as a PPAR receptor agonist (PPAR-RA). Research for this medication began in 1992 in a conjoined effort between GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Ligand Pharmaceuticals. Research into this product was set forth...
  15. Presser Pre contest Preperation Steroid Cycle Pre contest Preperation Steroid Cycle For Cutting The Last 12 weeks prior to stepping on stage TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE, TRENBOLONE ACETATE, Masteron & IGF 1 lr3 You can visit Oral and Injectable Steroid Guide for a more complete understanding of these anabolic...
  16. C

    First time IGF-1 LR3 cycle about to start!!

    Just ordered 2 bottles of LR3 to add to my bulking stack starting next week.. Have been at 198lbs body weight and about 13% BF... I am wanting to move to 220 weight class for powerlifting by spring so lets see if I can get strong as hell this winter! My stack looks like this 800mg Test E wk...
  17. C

    Tren sweats

    Any one try to drink apple juice before bed while on tren I swear it help cure the nighttime sweats Hypo? Is that the cause of the Sweats?
  18. shredzs


    SHREDZS "THE INTENSE ALPHA MALE'' BODYTECH Warrior log Hey members, I am a fellow rec BB'er/Strength Athelete/Adrenaline junkie from Canada! I am known as a BS free, say it like it is Intense lunny from Atlantic Canada....I am 36yrs old, Mechanical Enginner and business owner...Been at the iron...
  19. S

    Question on how much pct to take.

    I had all my cycles I've done in my iphone saved but lost all of it when I jumped ship to a droid . I'm 510 195 around 12% bf . So this is my cycle I'm about to do. 700 mg/ week test e 1-16 weeks 150 mg eod npp 1-14 75 mg eod tren This is my first cycle with tren though. I've ran 500 test...
  20. H

    Not ready for steroids / no need for goals?

    Today, I had to go to the hospital, as I had a cist in my eye causing inflamation, and now I have steroid eye drops to take over the next week. I'm on tren + test now. Last week, I experienced 2 days of wipe out (extreme tiredness, to the point that I was having breakfast, and dozed off in my...