
  1. Presser

    Trenbolone Acetate , Enanthate, Hex or Tren base PCT protocols

    Trenbolone Acetate , Enanthate, Hex or Tren base PCT protocols Why Is PCT after a Tren Steroid Cycle Important?Although Trenbolone doesn’t aromatize, post cycle therapy is still a very important consideration. Your body’s natural testosterone production effectively shuts down while using...
  2. Muscle mechanic

    Poor man's cut stack

    Test e or c 250 wk Tren e 600wk Nolva 10mg a day Adex if needed very low 0.25mg 2x wk T3 20mcg t4 100mcg Ramp it or run thru once used to it add in 25mcg t3 Poor man's short ester Test p 30-50mg a day Tren ace 50-75mg a day Nolva 10mg a day Adex 0.25mg 2x week Same with thyroid as above...
  3. Y


    hey guys is there any one who is master of steroids out there, please help me out i am new to steroids.... and by googling and reading some articles i have find out for a cutting cycle steroids and plan MOTIVE OR GOAL: aesthetic physique week:1-6 test e 500mg/wk EOD, equipoise 400mg/wk EOD...
  4. Muscle mechanic

    Best Roid/Combo for Sex Drive

    Let's here it. Speak up!! Here is a little about myself. I have had Erectile dysfunction from certain steroids but it was before I knew what I was doing!!! Deca or Tren Dick!! No worries at all a quick fix is trest ace and cabar. Trest ace at 25mg a day will fix a broken spike in 24 hours with...
  5. George Cook

    Dbol or Oxy

    My first post... In short I want to introduce a kick into my cycle and have both at my disposal. Have used dbol in the past a few time and like it. Bloat is a pain but not the end of the world. Never used oxys before and wondered how they compare. Probably the only med I have not used. Would...
  6. Muscle mechanic

    What y'all cruise at??

    Was just wondering what do u guys cruise at?? Or how long do y'all run TRT dose? I myself like to run higher than TRT. But long ester test seems to raise my blood count too much. I am looking into other things that don't that are pretty safe and not raise red blood cells. Different combos...
  7. Muscle mechanic

    A steroid becoming popular Test-1-cyp (DHB)

    There has been alot of noise out there of Dehydro-Boldenone (test-1-cyp) Alot of info out there wrong. I seen DHB (test-1-cyp) Confused with Boldenone cyp. Boldenone Cyp is EQ version with faster cyp ester! DHB (test-1-cyp) is a steroid of it own. Boldenone converts to dehyro-boldenone in our...
  8. big in vegas

    Cant Sleep on Tren Ace

    Second shot on trenbolone acetate for the first time in a year, and same sleepless nights! I was in bed by 11pm up until 5 this morning! Tossed in bed all night. I forgot how cranky I can be without sleep, and on top of trenbolones normal pleasant sides uh oh I hope its worth it this time...
  9. Presser

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains If you thought adding dianabol ( dbol ) to your steroid cycle was unbelievable then adding superdrol will blow your mind! I have run dbol with testosterone only cycles, and thought it was pretty kick ass! The first time i ever ran dbal was alongside...
  10. Presser

    Mass Building Steroids, how this fool put dianabol over anadrol is beyond me

    Man, I am trying to think back and remember if i was ever this nieve , or sound so foolish, as this is not my article, but after the first few lines reading, i thought what the fuck. How Dianabol is listed above anadrol is beyond me, and just goes to prove my point i have made over and over...
  11. Presser

    Mens Physique 8 Week Contest Prep Cycle. Bromocriptine Not Suggested

    8 week precontest cut cycle that includes: Test Prop 75mg ED Tren Ace 50mg ED Winny (looking at last 4 weeks, 40 - 50mg ED) Adex (0.5mg EOD, possibly ED or trading out for Aromasin or Letro if it will help cut down on potential gyno on stage) Bromocriptine (I need to find my spreadsheet for...
  12. A

    NEwbie questions about awesome cycle

    Testosterone Prop 50mg eod week 1-10 Tren Ace 75mg eod week 1-10 (dosage can be raised up to 150mg eod if the body allows without adverse side effects) Winny 50mg ed week 2-10 Prami for progestin control should start the second week of tren at .25mg once a week (then up to twice a week if...
  13. Presser

    Powder Conversion Instructions. Steroid Powder Compounding Recipes A-Z

    Powder Conversion Instructions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most of these recipes can be done with less than the recommended amounts of ba and bb, but you will need to change the amount of oil in the recipe if you do. Use the powder converter...
  14. Presser

    Powder Conversion Recipies. Steroid Compounding

    Powder Conversion RecipiesHere are some recipes I found that I think need to be looked at. These are very good recipes and should help out many. Remember, unless you're putting a very small mg/ml in your brew then you should be better off to use 18 to 20 % BB. These recipes are set up for a 50%...
  15. H

    Little Changes/Gain On Cycle & Plateau - What Is Wrong?

    I have been training with a PT (he competed in bodybuilding) 3x a week, on cycle, with a clean diet for the past 10 weeks. Cycle: 500mg/test per 5 days, tren 100mg for the first 5 weeks but stopped because I wasn't feeling too good on it, 30mg dianabol per day for the first 5 weeks, stopped as...
  16. Dean Destructo


    (COMPLETE) An original article by Dean Destructo FIRST THING FIRST, what you want right? DOSAGE: <tbody> Tren Acetate 50mg Every Day Min 100mg ED Max Tren Enanthate 350mg a Week 800mg Week Tren Hex 76mg 3-4 X per Week 76mg 5-6 X per Week </tbody> How long should you run it? That...
  17. drtbear1967

    Trenbolone - Profile

    Trenbolone History and Overview Trenbolone is a very well-known injectable anabolic steroid, and milligram for milligram it is the most powerful anabolic steroid commercially and conventionally available. It is an anabolic steroid that tends to invoke both intimidation as well as amazement...
  18. B

    How to safely use Tren !?

    Just curious.
  19. R

    Domestic seller options NEEDED!

    I’ve been doing a lot of research and trying to find a good seller for Tren and test but cannot find a good source to order from. Looking to get ASAP most that I’ve found take forever to deliver if it even makes it overseas. Please help
  20. drtbear1967

    Pramipexole Profile

    Pramipexole History and Overview Pramipexole Dihydrochloride, also known as Prami in bodybuilding circles, is a dopamine agonist that is very similar to the same compounds that work alongside Cabergoline. The primary reason you would use this drug at all is to treat Parkinson’s disease...