
  1. drtbear1967

    Push close to failure for growth.

    Many popular strength training programs involve "straight sets" which involve multiple sets with the same weight. . However, such programs usually involve a very high number of reps in reserve for the early sets, in order for all sets to be completed successfully. This means that although the...
  2. drtbear1967

    Accumulated Fatigue

    Ever feel like you finally are “on a roll” with getting to the gym? You work out as many times a week as you have planned and keep making progressions, but soon you feel your body working against you. . You start feeling progressively more tired and have a hard time increasing weight/volume...
  3. drtbear1967

    Don't stop just because it hurts!!!

    Don’t quit doing an exercise just because it hurts. . Let me say this again. If you’re doing an exercise and it begins to hurt, and it has not hurt in the past, then your body is trying to make you aware of something. The pain you feel is your body’s way of saying, “Pay attention to me...
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    MMA German Volume Training Workout

    <iframe width="949" height="534" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CIvGcdCpvK4?list=PLfDFUuKySBTVQsNkQ34mKlaYV0UaPgGqO" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> **Receive 10% off your MC Store order of $50 or more...
  5. drtbear1967

    3 ways to build muscle in less time

    There will be days where you can’t even spend a full hour in the gym. Responsibilities pull for your attention, important events fill up your calendar, and annoying meetings seemed to be scheduled at the most inconvenient hours. Here’s are 3 scientific ways to condense your workouts while still...
  6. drtbear1967

    Isometric Training Benefits

    Lifters often forego isometric training as they feel it won’t have much impact on hypertrophy. While that may have some truth to it, isometric training is incredibly beneficial for joint health. This study found that isometric training significantly increased patella tendon stiffness compared to...
  7. drtbear1967

    You cannot Force Progression!!!

    You cannot force progression! You must use intelligent structure 💪 - 👉Tag a friend who needs patience - It seem that training volume is likely the biggest driver of muscle hypertrophy and you need to increase it to keep gaining muscle… however, there is an upper limit to how much you can do and...
  8. drtbear1967

    Women need more time to recover

    This study found that trained men were able to recover quicker than trained women following a heavy resistance training protocol. Researchers are uncertain as to why this may occur – gender differences in central fatigue may be a primary reason. This means that men might be able to train muscle...
  9. drtbear1967

    Counting Calories - Caloric Density and Water

    When cooking food, water can either be lost or gained, impacting caloric density. This weight change can vary depending on method and duration of cooking. Therefore, the safest bet for those tracking caloric intake is to weigh and log your food BEFORE cooking it. . Rice can almost TRIPLE in...
  10. drtbear1967

    Volume Variations

    Nonlinear periodization is a method in which you constantly vary your training volume. This means you’ll have high, low, and moderate volume days in your weekly workouts. This method has been shown to be more effective at increasing gains in size and strength than linear periodization! - ◾️The...
  11. T

    Best MCT oil??

    I'm trying something suggested to help heal my split abs and it involves eating caloric dense foods that take up less volume in my stomach, and macadamia nut oil came up but finding it is hard esp in grocery stores. Whats the next best mct oil? I'm thinking coconut oil....unless someone knows...
  12. drtbear1967

    Progressive Overload is the Key to Growth.

    If you keep your workout the same, results will eventually plateau. . There are situations where you can reduce volume and still make gains, but as a rule of thumb you should see an increase in demands placed over time to keep making progress. Keep in mind that more demanding workouts also...
  13. drtbear1967


    Who needs to recover better from training? - 💥Betaine is a compound commonly found in post-workout supplements for its ability to increase recovery. Betaine has been shown to reduce markers of inflammation, decrease cortisol & fatigue, and increase your training volume. - 💊I recommend 3-6g/day...
  14. Presser

    Anabolic Steroids Positive Effects when Stacked With Vitamin D and Calcium throughout Cycle. Female Study

    Positive effects of anabolic steroids, vitamin D and calcium on muscle mass, bone mineral density and clinical function after a hip fracture. A randomised study of 63 women. A total of 63 women who had an operation for a fracture of the hip was randomly allocated to one year of treatment...
  15. drtbear1967

    Countdown Sets for New Growth.

    Countdown sets (10-1 method) are performed at the end of your workout to maximize workout density and push yourself past your limits. Here's an example using a dumbbell row: . • Pick a weight you can row for 12-15 reps. Do 10 reps with your right arm, 10 reps with your left arm. . • Now do 9...
  16. drtbear1967

    Know how to Deload and Avoid Over-training.

    Ever feel like you finally are “on a roll” with getting to the gym? You work out as many times a week as you have planned and keep making progressions, but soon you feel your body working against you. . You start feeling progressively more tired and have a hard time increasing weight/volume...
  17. Presser

    Best Weight Training Methods To Build Muscle Mass. High Intensity Versus High Volume Repetitions

    <hgroup style="box-sizing: border-box; word-wrap: break-word;">Training Effectively To Build Muscle Mass with High Intensity Training and High Volume Repetitions</hgroup>Bodybuilding has been a mainstream sport and fitness activity for several decades now. However there is still a debate over...
  18. drtbear1967

    MRC - Maximal Recoverable Volume

    by Charles Staley . Dr. Mike Israetel coined the term "Maximal Recoverable Volume" or MRV. It refers to the most amount of work (measured in hard work sets) that you can do and still benefit from. MRVs vary from person to person and from muscle to muscle. They also vary according to your...
  19. Ox 51

    Fantasy Football WR Tiers

    Tier 1 – Elite WR1s 1. Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh Steelers 2. Odell Beckham, New York Giants 3. Julio Jones, Atlanta Falcons 4. Michael Thomas, New Orleans Saints 5. DeAndre Hopkins, Houston Texans Antonio Brown is the peoples’ No. 1 wide receiver. The Steelers wideout is on a Hall of...
  20. Presser

    Body Shaping & Volume Restoration: The Role of Hyaluronic Acid and its Applications In Bodybuilding

    Body Shaping and Volume Restoration: The Role of Hyaluronic Acid and its Applications In Bodybuilding Are Obvious at first glance. We arent just Body Building, but rather we are always trying to sculpt our physiques, Mold Our Muscles into the best possible shape we can. Hyaluronic Acid is...