
  1. Iron Game

    Gain Muscle and Lose Fat with 2 Week Anabolic Steroid Cycles

    By Bill Roberts Q: “I’d like to do 2-on, 4-off cycles and add serious strength while improving body composition. My goal is to gain 25 lb of muscle and drop 25 lb of fat over the next 6 months or so. I’m new to anabolic steroid use. I have 5 years of strength training gains have been slow...
  2. Boomer

    Blood doping

    I had a thought today as i trained back....i was looking at my pump in the mirror and realised, like most ppl i am so much bigger while on a pump, especially while on cycle, assuming a,so because gear increases blood volume so your pumps would be extra large... that got me thinking about blood...
  3. Presser

    German Volume Training Routine with Super Sets and Tri-sets to Build Maximum Muscle

    German Volume Training: A New Look At An Old Way To Build Mass & Strength <section class="cb-entry-content clearfix" style="box-sizing: border-box; zoom: 1; margin: 0px 0px 30px; color: rgb(72, 72, 72); font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25.2px;">Supersets and...
  4. Iron Game

    Low Volume High Intensity Workout For Mass And Strength

    Scrutiny's Low Volume High Intensity Workout For Mass And Strength An intense workout system focusing on training to failure, offering an alternative to the various high volume muscle building workout routines. <article class="nodeBody" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Article"...
  5. 3J

    Food Density and Digestion Speed by 3J

    Understanding Food Density and Digestion Speed By 3J 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level. There is a very simple formula for nutrition and the gaining/losing of weight, calories in vs. calories out. If you want to gain weight your caloric intake is...
  6. Iron Game

    Super Muscle Growth with Supersets

    Super Muscle Growth with Supersets Arnold Schwarzenegger was a volume fanatic, as you may have seen in “Pumping Iron.” He trained major bodyparts as often as three days a week, and used a six-days-on/one-day-off, double-split routine throughout much of his professional career. What people don’t...
  7. Iron Game

    Shock Your Body With This GERMAN VOLUME TRAINING

    Looking for a new training routine I came across this article on German Volume Training. I used GVT years ago and it worked out great. So, I'm gonna do it again. Good article for WWW.MUSCLECHEMISTRY.COM 's new thread, Weight Lifting & Gym Workouts Forum. Shock Your Body With German Volume...
  8. Presser

    Pubmed Research Says Clenbuterol diminishes aerobic Performance through lower plasma

    Clenbuterol diminishes aerobic performance in horsesAbstract PURPOSE: The purpose of this 8-wk study was to examine the effect of therapeutic levels of clenbuterol on aerobic performance and hemodynamics associated with exercise. METHODS: Twenty-three unfit Standardbred mares were divided into...
  9. akn

    Increase Muscle Size and Performance With More Sodium

    by Josh Hodnikd Sodium chloride, also known as table salt, has been linked to a number of health issues according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These health issues include: hypertension, heart disease, heart failure, stroke, edema, and kidney disease. One would think that any substance...
  10. akn

    Training Philosophies at Warby mike arnold

    by Mike Arnold “The Century long struggle for supremacy between High and Low Volume Training”. The old saying “The more things change, the more they stay the same” is as true in bodybuilding as it is anywhere, particularly when it comes to training. Despite the passage of nearly 100 years, the...
  11. HackTwat

    Bodybuilding and Training Styles

    Training Philosophies at War <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --> <!-- Facebook Like Button v1.9.6 BEGIN [http://blog.bottomlessinc.com] --> by Mike Arnold “The Century long struggle for supremacy between High and Low Volume Training”. The old saying “The more things change, the...
  12. Presser

    Should I train hard after steroid cycle? Volume, Reps, Sets On and Off Steroid Cycle

    Should Training Vary During “Off Weeks” and “On Weeks” for Two-Week Steroid Cycles? BY BILL ROBERTS Q:“Two-week steroid cycles obviously have some weeks quite different from others in a regular pattern. Obviously things are very different in the weeks with anabolic steroids versus those...
  13. guardianactual

    Q&A With IFBB PRO PART 8 On vs Off training

    Q. You have to change a lot the workouts depending if you are ON and OFF? When one is ON, in principle recover faster, it would be good to increase the intensity, volume and frequency of training? If for example I train chest and back 1 time per week each, when I go ON I should train 2 times per...