
  1. drtbear1967

    Adaptions to Training

    One variable of research that’s always important to consider is the training status of the subjects used. Untrained subjects will make gains of all kinds with pretty much any type of exercise – this is because exercise in general is a new stimulus to them! However, trained subjects follow the...
  2. drtbear1967

    Gorilla Sets

    A normal drop set involves reducing weight while performing reps to failure. The last set often involves a relatively light weight that might not always maximize fatigue in high threshold motor units. Going back to your starting weight for one more “set” to failure guarantees maximum fatigue in...
  3. drtbear1967

    Eccentric vs Concentric Training

    Many trainers and coaches preach the importance of the lowering portion during lifting as they believe it to be more important for growth. The reality is that many of the studies that show this to be the case used greater loads during eccentric-only training compared to concentric-only training...
  4. drtbear1967

    Lifting weights will not make you bulky!!

    Lifting weights will not make women bulky! Lifting weights will not make women bulky!On average, 30% of a woman’s bodyweight is composed of muscle, while men have around 40%. Women actually gain a bit more muscle, percentage-wise, initially, but the absolute amount of muscle gained...
  5. Presser

    The Cardio Conundrum, Lift Weights Before or After Cardiovascular Exercises

    Should You Lift Weights Before Doing Cardio? Or Do Cardio Before Weights? You’re a busy man. So when you work out, you aim to get in both strength training and cardio exercise in a single session. But should you do weights or cardio first? To help me answer that question, I talked to my...
  6. drtbear1967

    Deload periods for gains.

    Sometimes the best thing you can do for gains is taking a deload period. This study found that trained athletes increased muscle fiber diameter by 11% following a taper protocol. This method might be useful for the bodybuilder undergoing constant and strenuous training – back off of the weights...
  7. 9


    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/X3LvRARCAGQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> damn i love the part at 1:35 where Larry's training partner is telling him someone is...
  8. drtbear1967

    Evidence Based Training - What works.

    Load and Repetition RangeIf a set of repetitions is performed to failure, it makes little to no difference how much weight (load) you use. This comes with the caveat that there are limits to this. For instance, if you choose a weight with which you can do 30 reps, or 1 rep, these are unlikely to...
  9. Presser


    3 ADVANCED TECHNIQUES FOR A MONSTER BENCHby Noah Bryant, CSCS [Editor's Note: It's always a pleasure to introduce another well-credentialed athlete and writer to the ProSource family. In this case, we're REALLY keeping it in the family as we present Noah Bryant, CSCS, brother of powerlifting...
  10. Musclebeauty

    How Many Calories in a Pound?

    Weight*management always comes down to how many calories you eat versus how many you burn. Fad diets all promise removing every carbohydrate you avoid and replacing it with a grapefruit means you just torch fat away. It's simply not right. For a long time, we assumed 3,500 calories makes up a...
  11. drtbear1967

    Swimming - The Best Cardio?

    by Christian Duque Cardiovascular exercise is key to losing fat, staying in shape, and also ensuring heart health. It’s called cardiovascular for a reason. Although this form of training is relatively new for bodybuilding purposes, it’s become a staple of pretty much all contest prep...
  12. S

    New one

    Hi everyone! I'm Ben, live in California USA. I like crossfit and lifting weights. I'm 28, 5'8 and about 170lbs. I'm here to learn and grow(: I'm happy I found this forum I've gone through some threads and seen some quality info and discussions. I hope to get familiar with some, get help and...
  13. Jumbo Shrimp

    Powerlifting, A sport for NERDS

    <header class="td-post-title" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Why Powerlifting Is a Sport for NerdsBy Daniel Braun - <time class="entry-date updated td-module-date" datetime="2018-03-09T11:41:16+00:00" style="box-sizing: border-box;">March 9, 2018</time> </header> Editors’ note: This article...
  14. drtbear1967

    BFR Training

    themusclephd ◾️BFR works by getting a large pump, and lots of metabolic stress. It doesn’t work because of how heavy you lift. - 💥If you select weights under 30-40 % of your 1RM studies show you can’t recruit the larger muscle fibers. So try and lift in a 40-50 % 1RM range.
  15. drtbear1967

    Blood Flow Restriction + Walking = Muscle Gains

    themusclephd◾️ The cool thing about using blood flow restriction training is that you can actually gain muscle by just walking! This study found doing BFR during walknig bouts for 5 sets of 2 minute at a moderate pace made the quads grow. - ❓So when should you use this? (1) Recovery Days (2)...
  16. drtbear1967

    Machines or Free Weights?

    by Charles Staley @charlesstaley - I've become less of a "tribal" thinker. Earlier in my career, I believed that resistance-training machines were inferior to free weights. I'd argue that machines only required you to overcome the resistance, not control it. Put another way, I believed that...
  17. E

    Injured while lifting weights - Need help

    Hey!! I have joined the gym a few months back. A few weeks back, I lifted weights and injured my elbow. My arms are aching a lot. I don't know what to do. I feel like I can't use them. They feel like very heavy and tired. I can’t even straighten my elbow when I try to do it. I have to keep them...
  18. Iron Game


    I know you’ve been using a lot of machines for your chest training because it’s easier on your elbows. I’ve only been training for a few years and don’t have any elbow pain yet, but I’m wondering if maybe I should be using mostly machines to avoid having problems in the future. Or am I being...
  19. Iron Game

    Machines Or Free Weights: Structure Vs. Function!

    Machines Or Free Weights: Structure Vs. Function! One of the most heated debates in the world of fitness today is the battle of free-weights (low-tech apparatus) versus machines (high-tech apparatus). Each side has an argument with both sides having some merit to their claims. One of the...
  20. drtbear1967

    Devil Drop Sets

    Devil's Drop Sets by Dean Graddon This drop set protocol strikes a nice balance between strength and hypertrophy through the use of relatively heavy weights and high reps. It's pretty simple: 6-6-6. 1. With a weight somewhere around your 8 rep max, complete 6 reps (a couple of reps shy of...