
  1. Pushtoday

    8 Reasons Women Should Lift Weights

    by Kellie Davis If running and yoga are the cornerstones of your fitness plan and you aren't seeing the results you want, try resistance training. Here are eight reasons why weights rule the gym! Maybe you've thought about lifting weights. Maybe you've even done some dumbbell curls or picked...
  2. Pushtoday


    Jeff Bayer While there are a few men out there who just look at a weight and put on muscle, for most men, gaining muscle mass means working hard. Whether genetics have been working against you since birth or you simply don't have the anabolic environment in your body naturally, if you have...
  3. Pushtoday

    World Deadlift Championships 2015

    Better late than never, below is an accidentally-forgotten-to-be-published writeup from last month’s World Deadlift Championships. 11 July saw the return of the Europe’s Strongest Man competition and, with it, the World Deadlift Championships. The World Deadlift Championships aimed to find the...
  4. Pushtoday

    All Women Should Lift Weights

    All Women Should Lift WeightsActually, everybody should be lifting weights. Here’s why. One expert says women need to lift to prevent the natural loss that occurs with less activity over the years. It wasn’t long ago that we all realized just how unhealthy obesity can be, and skinny was in...
  5. 9

    8 y/o Girl with Crazy Hand Speed

    <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CmNLi5xta1g" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> woooooow that's awesome <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/apA58TjIa_c" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> what a little beast
  6. BEASTZ6

    Light weight with high reps just as effective as low reps with high reps?

    Study shows you build up just as much muscle with low weights and lots of reps After a training session using weights at 30 percent of your 1RM your muscles build up just as much protein as they do after training at 90 percent of your 1RM. At least they do so if you believe the results of a...
  7. Presser

    Please "TAG" all your posts. Please Read.

    When making a new thread/posting PLEASE try to TAG your Thread with a Key word or Keywords that are related/relavent to the thread. So if the Thread is about "Sex" then your key words could be, Bush, pussy, tits, ass, anal, dick, nair, cock, stroke, cum, You get the point! Please try to...