A few pics of me !

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New member
Hi I am new here well kinda here are a few pics of me !let me know what you think !

20 y/o
128 pounds

just started working out after being out of the ARMY for a year


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ok Sups thats my girlfriend your talking to !

Hi sweetie didn't think you were going to post them so soon !

but if you want the ass shot I can arange it lol !
*claire* rear shot !

just so you can see the hams and glutes


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Nice....very nice. I must say you have excellent glute developement.Nice biceps,Looks like you have control of your bf%. A little more time in the gym and work with the diet, You will be set.
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the only thing i see is your inner thighs need to be thinned out---and that is very tough to do without lipo--trust me---i paid 4K for the ex's

your biceps over-power your shoulders/and tris

very nice flat stomach---good symmetry, great skin tone, and low bf from the looks of it---i wouldnt change anything!
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Look good, especially wiht no bb experience. With some proper training and supps you'll be off to a great start.

What are you goals, or too early for that?
man I did not knot this would start a war damn ok she only gets on when she is here so I will tell you a little I am training her she has only been into lifting for 4 months so far we work out together and she has no real goals as of yet or so it seems so far I told her we would set some in about 6months of training she loves working out and I am glad lets see her diet so far is for shit but I am trying to weork on that day by day I have her on protien shaks and a multi vit. and glucos/chond for her knees and ankles she killed them in the ARMY but so far that does not slow her down in the gym nor in the bed ! she has not seen these coments yet but will on turkey-day and I know she will not mind and really neither do I as long as it is kept respectful and musclemaggirl I will let her respond to you a females point of view will help alot but as far as the tongue thing will I do as she asks lol well any way thats most of it I will let her post what she has to say tomorrow !
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