A pro's cycle (offseason)


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Got this from a different board...

A standard cycle for me includes:

3g test per week (usually sustanon)
100mg/d d-bol or 200mg/d a-50 or a combination of both.
75mg EOD of tren
anything up to 1g/week of an anbolic like deca or eq (if I can be bothered - the test and the orals are the main mass builders)
Arimidex 1mg/d - M to F
20mg/d Nolvadex Sat and Sun
5mg Proscar per day
5000IU HCG every 4 weeks
anything up to 30IU GH/day (depends on $ available)
30IU/day insulin in 2 divided shots
25mcg/d T3
As much Synthergine as I can be bothered injecting - usually 2-4ml/day
As much Syntheselen as I can be bothered injecting - usually 4ml ED or EOD

MuscleChemistry, Advanced Supplements

That's a bulk cycle.

I stay on that for as long as I chose to. Blood tests every 6 weeks or so. Never had a problem side effects wise. The minimum amoutn of gear I owuld take would 1g/week test.

I have been on for almost 10 years straight. My body is burned out (not responding anymore) so 5 months ago I decided to have a break off EVRYTHING. So now I am natural, and not training, and just being a normal human being I will probably start gain in 3 to 6 months - whenevr I feel that I am ready for it again.

I know some pros that take MUCH less and some much more. Oe the most he ever took was 500mg/week sustanon - no shit and he was competing at 238 at 5'9. Top 6 at the Olympia too. But also there are those that take 10g+ per week. It's all individual.
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another precontest cycleMy summer cutting cycle this year. What do you guys think?
here is my summer cycle boy's. Critique it please. let me know if I should switch something up or add something or take something out.

week 1- 20

1000mg of aratest
800mg of EQ
150mg tren E.O.D ( fuck it I am gonna run the tren for 20 weeks)
100mg Winny E.O.D
25mg anavar - daily
10ius insulin post workout
6ius GH 5 days on 2 days off
clen 120mcg 2 days on 2 days off

Mid cycle
(week 8-14)

30mg of halotestin / Daily

and I will throw in t-3 6 weks on 3 weeks off on a rotating schedule.

what do you guys think? Don't ask about primobolan becuase it is too expensive right now and I am waiting for Marcxh 21st when TTokkyo is coming out with thiers. I am still waitng on the reply and if it is reasonalbe I will throw it in there as well.
Heavy 4 week cycles

Usually these are used like 2-3 times a year to overcome plateau's. Basically they are 30 days and you will use high amounts for short periods of time. The following is an example:

Days 1-10
750mg Sust ED
250mg Enan ED
150mg Drol
25mcg T-3
16iu's GH(Taken first 6days of month)

Days 11-20
200mg Deca ED
200mg primo ED
25mcg T-3
16iu's GH(Taken first 6days of month)

Days 21-30
200mg Prop ED
150mg WinV ED
25mcg T-3
16iu's GH(Same)
I got all these cycles from a different board...I had to really dig deep for these
Another cycle

-5000mgs Sust -1,500mgs Deca -1,500mgs Enan -150mg Susp ED -400mg Drol -200mg WinV -80iu's Slin per day split into 3 shots -20iu's GH Mon-
3g of test a week is insane much less everything else. I guess its all in perspective...
cool post...

This off season I will be looking to go a little more on the dose if I need to. Right now Im just doing test and growing just fine, but have decided to ram it up to 3-4 grams if needed. IGF and GH will come in Jan. This is what my cycle will include.

Arimidex (if needed)
cool post...

This off season I will be looking to go a little more on the dose if I need to. Right now Im just doing test and growing just fine, but have decided to ram it up to 3-4 grams if needed. IGF and GH will come in Jan. This is what my cycle will include.

Arimidex (if needed)

I like it!!
What will your drol dosage be 150mg?
Im bumping mine up a notch..... Noticed im starting to go flat durning my cycles of test that are under 1 g. I can see why over time these guys end up on 5k of test per week.

My blood pressure is an issue though... Im going to start with 1500 per week, and see how that goes.
Im bumping mine up a notch..... Noticed im starting to go flat durning my cycles of test that are under 1 g. I can see why over time these guys end up on 5k of test per week.

My blood pressure is an issue though... Im going to start with 1500 per week, and see how that goes.

normal try out some hawthorn berries..I use about 2-3 grams per day...and it seems to keep my BP down ...and I feel way better on it...with higher doses
I cant figure out how you inject so much oil ever day.. my god. Even if you rotate sites it seems like you are asking for at minimum a sterile abcess.

wow.. I wish I could inject all that oil ED
What you guys hear is the standard oil consumption for a normal size muscle group.. NOW, LOOK At you Pro's.. for chrissakes Cutler has a PEC that is the size of some dudes Glutes so easily do 3ml's per muscle group.. so if you got 3ml's PEC x 2,DELT (All 3 heads two arms),glutes x 2, quad x4, lats x 2, VENTRO-GLUTEAL X 2 = 54ml's there.. now 2ml's BI X 2, TRI X 4, = 14ml's = 68ml's of oil.. PLENTY OF MUSCLE TO ABSORB ALL THAT OIL.. When you think about it realistically...

PRO'S HAVE MORE MUSCLE THAN AMATEURS or Just Bodybuilding hobbyists ... ya know??