AHHHH My Elbow


New member
Holy balls batman...I did skull crushers a couple of weeks ago and my elbow has been hurting since then. But today (light legs day) I was doing some abs
@ the end doing some med ball sit ups (throwing it) and something went wrong. My elbow just started throbbing like crazy...it got difficult to lift for a second. I've never had tendonitis like this...and this wasn't even a tricep/bench or excercise. I hadn't done anything with it today aside from light squatting (225). Anyone ever have this happen to them or am I just a panzy little girl...I think I'm going off of heavy weights for a couple of weeks just to let it heal.
ouch, sounds painful. I haven't had that particular problem but I've had forearm problems and they suck because they take a long time to heal since you use them everyday even when you're not lifting. Take a break and get some rest, are you on at the moment? a lot of things will hurt your ligs and tends when you're on
Yep, that's what I had to do a while back. I've been very careful since then and haven't had anything like that recur.
How heavy do you guys go on your Skull Crushers that your elbows are killing you from them?
no I'm not on right now...but I'm waiting and should be really soon. If anything I'm hoping that will help with the pain. As far as heavy I use 45 plates on the ez curl bar. I'm sure this isn't heavy for many people, but it's a killer for me. I give out around 8-10 on the first couple of sets and when I can't get 6 I'm done. A buddy of mine @ the gym says he has some glucosamine gel he rubs on his calves when he gets tendonitis there. He is going to bring me a tube to try and see if it works. I guess that's all I can do. I'm taking a couple of days off of upper body and then I'll start back with lighter weights.