Creatine Monohydrate Loading?


New member
Hey All - just wandering if when starting up on a powder form of CM you should load up (Take it 3 to 4 times a day for a week) or just take it as per instructions - directly before working out?
Most instructions include a loading phase of 20g/d for 1 week. Depends on how fast you want results. I have done it both ways. end results are pretty mcuh equal. I take 5 g/d without a load phase. on workout days I take 10g preworkout w/ water and then 5g after with grape juice. I avoid the grape juice preworkout so my bllod sugars are stable.
For my body weight my creatine has always said to take like 30g a day for 5 days and 10g for 2 months then repeat.
I agree with bilter I have loaded and not loaded and by end of 2nd week its always about the same for me
Started taking this but have stopped now. I must have a reaction to this stuff - it makes me feel anxious and sometimes really pis$ed off!! Just going to have to stick with Natural for a while. (Funny thing is after feeling like this I have asked a few people I know in the gym and they have felt the same way...)
yeah what brand of creatine was that. probably had an added ingredient to affect mood. i've never heard of that.