cutter cycle opinions


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Well, it time to start planning. Im needing some opinions on a cutter.

I think Ive narrowed it down to:
test/tren/mast/winny or

Ive never used NPP, but respond well to Deca and moderately well to tren. Im thinking NPP might be a great cutting compound for me. Now comes dosages.

Was thinking:
test e or c 500-600mg/wk
tren or NPP 500mg/wk
mast 350mg/wk
winny 50mg/day

time frame is unknown. but probably the first half of the cutter will be test only. I want to be about 10% bf when I start the other compounds. Any ideas/opinions? My goal is to get more diced than ever before. Staying leaner than usual this winter is the biggest advantage I think, but really want that veiny ripped look when I near the end of the cycle.
UHMMM Masterone good stuff!!! Wish I could still get it. Anyway, I am a little out of the loop so I don't know what NPP is, however the tren, masterone, and winny combo are a awesome combo for that veiny muscle hardeness you are looking for. I don't know your experience or stats but your dosages look resonable.

When I have utilized these compounds in the past I usually cut the test out the last 4 weeks, which gets rid of almost any water retention revealing some super hard muscle. You did mention it but I would add about 100mcg of t3 for about 6-8 weeks, it will really strip the fat off.

Remember diet, diet, diet is the key when trying to get ripped. The gear won't mean crap if your diet is not spot on, but you probably know that already.

Take some before and after shots and keep us abreast of your progress. Good Luck!
drew either one will work fine, just a matter of personal prefrence from here. I tried someting similiar to the second option over a year ago, and really liked nnp. I ran 100 ED for I think 10 wks. Its a nice break from tren.
If you run the masteron, make sure your b/f is low as possible, if your above 10 percent b/f you wont see to much results from mast compared to 7-8 percent b/f.
brew said:
drew either one will work fine, just a matter of personal prefrence from here. I tried someting similiar to the second option over a year ago, and really liked nnp. I ran 100 ED for I think 10 wks. Its a nice break from tren.
depending on who I go through, I will probably try the NPP. deca at 600mg my last cycle was great. I might stick with 500mg though cause I dont want "npp dick :D" and dont want test real high cause its a waste on a cutter IMHO.

bigworm6 said:
If you run the masteron, make sure your b/f is low as possible, if your above 10 percent b/f you wont see to much results from mast compared to 7-8 percent b/f.
I plan to start the masteron at 10%. I would like to get as low as 6% but I am realistic.
The cut cycle I go back to over and over again is this..
Test Prop 100mg/eod
Oral Winny 50mg/ed (max 8 weeks)
Tren Ace 75mg/eod (max 8 weeks)

Maybe switch the winny for var @ 60mg/ed
jaywooly said:
Why not test prop instead of enan or cyp, for the cutter?
well, if I only run test through some of the cycle, I wont be pinning that much. of course, when it come times for mast/tren or whatever, then pinning alot doesnt matter cause I really have no choice.

But a guy has some npp/prop combo for a decent price so I might go that route. maybe run that from the start, then add masteron and winstrol the last 6-8 weeks?
so far this is the plan. but I still got a few weeks to think about it.
NPP was chose over tren. I think the effects will be just as good (if not better) but NPP cost half as much. Although price really isnt a huge concern.

the first 4-8 weeks will be test only 400mg/wk
The last 6 weeks will be Test 500mg/wk
NPP 400mg/wk
Mast 400mg/wk
winny 50-75mg/day

any other opinions. NPP and Mast are 100% new to me.
I think that a cutter is all about your diet and adding some cardio. The only issue is if you are competing and thus worried about water retention.

That said, your cycle looks good. I don't use NPP - I like Deca and never have a problem with it, so a short acting version of it isn't a big deal.

However, winny kills my joints and i will never use it again. I usually use tbol or var if I have an oral. You get a hell of a kick from tren, so the price is deceptive (250 mg of tren has more of a kick than 500 mg of deca), but the sides kill me so I wouldn't use it either.

I would suggest adding t3 to the mix. It makes the results happen. I actually need to watch what I eat or I will drop too much when I am on t3.
doctorwill said:
I think that a cutter is all about your diet and adding some cardio. The only issue is if you are competing and thus worried about water retention.

That said, your cycle looks good. I don't use NPP - I like Deca and never have a problem with it, so a short acting version of it isn't a big deal.

However, winny kills my joints and i will never use it again. I usually use tbol or var if I have an oral. You get a hell of a kick from tren, so the price is deceptive (250 mg of tren has more of a kick than 500 mg of deca), but the sides kill me so I wouldn't use it either.

I would suggest adding t3 to the mix. It makes the results happen. I actually need to watch what I eat or I will drop too much when I am on t3.

yea, I chose NPP cause I respond so well to deca. I plan on using clen and T3 as well. I stick with winny cause its cheap, effective and Im hoping the NPP will keep away the joint pain like deca does so well.