Do you or have you ever smoked?


  • Yes I smoke.

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • No I've never smoked.

    Votes: 20 45.5%
  • I quit smoking cuz it's nasty.

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • I smoke occassionally.

    Votes: 4 9.1%
  • I smoke sometimes, but not tobacco.

    Votes: 5 11.4%

  • Total voters
BiggerStronger said:
I smoke...its a bad nasty habit. Honestly I probably do it out of boredom, rather than pleasure. I should quit though. It makes it difficult to achieve my goals. (and do cardio for that matter.)

CARDIO??? What's that.. LOL ...

I smoke too... my old posts used to describe my adventures in total body harmony and my ability to apply total advocasy towards healthy living through, drinking, drugs, juice, sex, working out, and rock and roll...

j/k ... nonsensical rant to kill some credability... lol
Steel Reserves said:
I like cigars every now and then, ganja on the other hand...light it up!

I'm with ya there bro! Nothing like some scotch or cognac and a cigar! The other is fine too!
I smoked from the time I was 14 until I was almost 17. I'd go through almost a pack a day most of the time. Started dating a girl and quit. Best thing I have ever done in my life I do believe!
superman1975 said:
never have and never will--my 2 brothers, my sister, and both parents smoke(d) mom quit---so that says something---i dont even date girls that smoke---i have told girls to get the fuck away from me at bars when they come up smoking

I have never even tried it...YUCK!! Same here with's disgusting and I wouldn't touch a girl that smoked with a 10ft pole!!

Nice name Superman1975 :)
I touch girls that smoke with my 1ft pole all the time............It's the girls that dont smoke that dissapoint me :)
I wouldn't date a girl who smoked but just banging them is different story.

I always like meeting girls in clubs who smoke because 9.9 times out of 10... they’ll be going home with me. Some folks say that women who smoke are more likely to engage in riskier behavior and therefore have a higher tendency to put out.... and much to my experience this is and always has been the case. Female smoker in the club = pussy.
ahhh, females who smoke in clubs does not = pussy ??? where do you come up w/ that assuption. i used to smoke and i never went home w/ anyone EVER from a bar or club ! i think its more of an alcohal = pussy , mabey .
where did you come up with that Sandeigo?
I don't think that a girl's mentality matters if she smokes or not
really don't see the relavence in any of it?
hell let's just go to drug rehab...a girl that engages in meth and coke behaviors =pussy
what about girls that engage in performance enhancing drugs? do you think that equals risky behaviour also?
I don’t think that my post came out the way I wanted it to. All I was saying as that in my experience women who smoked were easier to land in bed.

Also, I heard a debate on the radio that addressed smokers, particular female smokers. The hosts (including women) were talking about how people who smoke (a risky behavior) tend to engage in riskier behaviors in many aspects of their lives; more than folks who don’t smoke. In my experience this has been the case. Weather it’s a scientific fact or not (of coarse it’s not!) I really don’t give shit as I’m saying that this has been my experience.

Hopefully this clears things up for you guys.
Smoked those damn things for 33 years. Been off tobacco and alcohol for 1 year now. Can't stand either one now. Thank God, or I'd never see grandchildren.