Finishing test/primo cycle


New member
Finishing my cycle and I thought I had Clomid on hand but it's actually all Nolva.

Currently week 10, test/primo end @ week 13, been running 400mg test & 500mg primobolan weekly, Arimidex .5mg eod week 1-18.

Planned to run Nolva weeks 15-18 @ 40/40/20/20 and Clomid @ 100/100/50/50

Is my pct good or it it worth special ordering Clomid just in case?

BTW this has been a nice, mild cycle to come back from injury. strength +20-30% and minimal sides.
if it were me, i would still run the clomid alongside the nolvadex, or at the very least have both pct meds on hand