First Time Cycle.


New member
Hey guys I'm fairly new to this site and I'm looking forward to get to know a lot of yall.

Body Type: 6'2" 245lbs. 20%BMI
Goals: Gain strength and muscle, but also lower that BMI some

Well I'm planning on starting my first cycle very shortly. I'm looking to start off simple and just do a 10 week 500mg/wk test e cycle. I'm kind of nervous as this will be my first but I'm sure everything will go smoothly. Still looking at sources to buy from and will make a decision soon hopefully and I will keep an updated log of my success to help encourage myself and to get tips from others. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hey guys I'm fairly new to this site and I'm looking forward to get to know a lot of yall.

Body Type: 6'2" 245lbs. 20%BMI
Goals: Gain strength and muscle, but also lower that BMI some

Well I'm planning on starting my first cycle very shortly. I'm looking to start off simple and just do a 10 week 500mg/wk test e cycle. I'm kind of nervous as this will be my first but I'm sure everything will go smoothly. Still looking at sources to buy from and will make a decision soon hopefully and I will keep an updated log of my success to help encourage myself and to get tips from others. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Just make sure your diet is in check bro and if ur going to do it, to do it right! You should grow like a weed off of that dose!
and research your post cycle therapy bro, you wanna try and keep as healthy as possible. good luck....train hard
Hey guys I'm fairly new to this site and I'm looking forward to get to know a lot of yall.

Body Type: 6'2" 245lbs. 20%BMI
Goals: Gain strength and muscle, but also lower that BMI some

Well I'm planning on starting my first cycle very shortly. I'm looking to start off simple and just do a 10 week 500mg/wk test e cycle. I'm kind of nervous as this will be my first but I'm sure everything will go smoothly. Still looking at sources to buy from and will make a decision soon hopefully and I will keep an updated log of my success to help encourage myself and to get tips from others. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

This is the cycle I just finished this fall. How old are you?
Diet and cardio are definitely going to be a main focus throughout the cycle...also how much protein should I be taking I've heard 1.5 X b.w. so 370g? I'm also doing my research on PCT but not sure yet. Any tips on what I should take/do and for how long would be greatly appreciated. And I'm 18 years old but definitely done with growing as I have not grown in the last 4 years.
Diet and cardio are definitely going to be a main focus throughout the cycle...also how much protein should I be taking I've heard 1.5 X b.w. so 370g? I'm also doing my research on PCT but not sure yet. Any tips on what I should take/do and for how long would be greatly appreciated. And I'm 18 years old but definitely done with growing as I have not grown in the last 4 years.

Honestly bro, at 18, I would urge you against it. Not being a dick, but there's no need to rush, you're still young enough to have a huge rush of test in your system naturally. If you simply ate plenty of calories of clean foods, you'd grow on that alone, but if you are hard pressed to start, we can't emphasis enough the importance of education. Do your research, you definitely don't want to have any problems later. As far as PCT, look into clomid, HCG.
Honestly bro, at 18, I would urge you against it. Not being a dick, but there's no need to rush, you're still young enough to have a huge rush of test in your system naturally. If you simply ate plenty of calories of clean foods, you'd grow on that alone, but if you are hard pressed to start, we can't emphasis enough the importance of education. Do your research, you definitely don't want to have any problems later. As far as PCT, look into clomid, HCG.

WAfrican;536292 And I'm 18 years old but definitely done with growing as I have not grown in the last 4 years.[/QUOTE said:
This might be the dumbest thing I have read in a looong time on a board...:dizzy:
I know that 18 is early but I'm really dedicated to doing this for personal reasons that I can't say why. I also realize that education is a very important key factor and I make sure I research as much as possible before I jump into anything. I've researched this for months and feel educated enough to begin. And when I said I'm not growing anymore I meant height wise, I understand that my body will continue to develop until my 20's. I know I most likely sound like a newbie, but I'm determined to go through this cycle and for those that say I'm not concerned with my future health I def. am I just feel that as long as I take every precaution and do everything correctly I will be fine.
I know that 18 is early but I'm really dedicated to doing this for personal reasons that I can't say why. I also realize that education is a very important key factor and I make sure I research as much as possible before I jump into anything. I've researched this for months and feel educated enough to begin. And when I said I'm not growing anymore I meant height wise, I understand that my body will continue to develop until my 20's. I know I most likely sound like a newbie, but I'm determined to go through this cycle and for those that say I'm not concerned with my future health I def. am I just feel that as long as I take every precaution and do everything correctly I will be fine.

With that said, we're here to help