Gain bit by bit or quickly?



Yes, that is the question. I apparently respond extremely well to tren, and needless to say last week after coming home from the gym I must have been extremely pumped up. I think I must have pumped up about a half inch on my arms so they were around 18 3/4" to 19" according to my plastic tape measure. When I walked in the door, the first thing my wife says to me is, "Your arms are too big! I don't like it." Sigh... I'm almost to 210 lbs now, so if I add even a little bit more from there, I guess it will come down to it whether or not she'll stay. I wonder if I gain very slowly that maybe she'll get used to it, and then it will be too late or should I just gain it all and get it over with.
What are you wearing?? Cover your shit up. No tight shirts and sleeves that cover
your bi's. Dont be struting around in a tight tee. I always cover my shit up (almost
always). big shirts and longer loose sleeves. People rarely say anything. I wear a
tight tee and people are saying -"holy shit, your huge" even had the chick checking
at the supermarket call me "muscles". That's why I usually cover up - but I like to
leave my forearms out for the funny looks I get. Seriously, cover up and tell her
you have actually lost 2 lbs. (With your BEST serious face) I bet it works.
dude just tell her what I told my ex girlfriend, that's right I said my ex...
HER: your arms are getting too big
ME: your ass is getting too big, no no I'm just kidding
HER: are you on something?
ME: yeah you every night, no no I'm just kidding just kidding
HER: damn it, are you on steriods
ME: no, I'm on hemroids, your hemroids every night, no no just kidding just kidding
HER: I'm fucking serious about this
ME: (ripped a fart and went in the other room)

ya just gotta know how to talk to them bro

but seriously that's the nature of a girl always trying to change a guy
tell her what she want's to hear..."what are you talking about I quit training my arms-I've lost an inch in the past month, haven't you noticed?"

"you never notice anything about me, I'm trying to make this work here-the least you can do is meet me half way...I don't like the way you've been making me feel lately"

today the biceps tomorrow she'll be bitching about your aftershave
that was just her way of saying your spending too much time in the gym and not enough time with her

I wish I could find a girl that would meet me half way and at least load my syringes for me...
so selfish all they think about is themselves :D
im with mcgaret bro dont wear anything tight i wear lose mc shirts or just gym shirts as i cant fit into my fuckin wardrobe anymore.
saudades said:
Yes, that is the question. I apparently respond extremely well to tren, and needless to say last week after coming home from the gym I must have been extremely pumped up. I think I must have pumped up about a half inch on my arms so they were around 18 3/4" to 19" according to my plastic tape measure. When I walked in the door, the first thing my wife says to me is, "Your arms are too big! I don't like it." Sigh... I'm almost to 210 lbs now, so if I add even a little bit more from there, I guess it will come down to it whether or not she'll stay. I wonder if I gain very slowly that maybe she'll get used to it, and then it will be too late or should I just gain it all and get it over with.
aint it funny how woman are always looking for the guy who's not the norm. who stands out and is the alpha-male.

Yet they dont like you too tall or short....or too fat or muscular....or too dark or light....or your hair to long or short. :rolleyes:
Gotta be a control thing. My wife only knew me as cleanshaven for years and I grew
mustach for the first time. I would run into people and when they would notice it my
wife would say "he thinks he's growing a mustach!!" I finally snaped and said " I have
had it for a fucking year - I DID grow a mustach!!" I think it was a subconsious
control thing as it wasent her idea.
i wish my wife would notice! she's so happy and infatuated with me that she doesn't even really notice the details in my body... she's either looking at me above the neck or between the legs, she rarely notices anything else except maybe for the giant bruises on my ass from time to time from shooting water based shit!
mcgaret said:
What are you wearing?? Cover your shit up. No tight shirts and sleeves that cover your bi's. Dont be struting around in a tight tee. I always cover my shit up (almost always). big shirts and longer loose sleeves. People rarely say anything. I wear a tight tee and people are saying -"holy shit, your huge" even had the chick checking at the supermarket call me "muscles". That's why I usually cover up - but I like to leave my forearms out for the funny looks I get. Seriously, cover up and tell her you have actually lost 2 lbs. (With your BEST serious face) I bet it works.

I hear ya. I guess I can't show off anymore. All my clothes keep getting too small so I'm going to have to go buy some bigger, looser shirts. I like being able to show it off sometimes since I used to be literally 80 lbs smaller. Hit 210 today. Covering up may work for a while, but she sees me naked every night so when I take it off, she might still put up a fuss. I'll try it out.
dreww said:
aint it funny how woman are always looking for the guy who's not the norm. who stands out and is the alpha-male.

Yet they dont like you too tall or short....or too fat or muscular....or too dark or light....or your hair to long or short. :rolleyes:

True. My wife told me that if I had been 130 lbs when we met, she would not have gone out with me (I weighed 150 when we met). She likes it when I take charge and "be the man," yet then she complains about my size when that was what helped me gain that kind of confidence in the first place.
mcgaret said:
Gotta be a control thing. My wife only knew me as cleanshaven for years and I grew mustach for the first time. I would run into people and when they would notice it my wife would say "he thinks he's growing a mustach!!" I finally snaped and said " I have had it for a fucking year - I DID grow a mustach!!" I think it was a subconsious control thing as it wasent her idea.

Yes, my wife does like to control things. All of her sisters are the same way--very strong-willed.
Thanks for all the responses. Either she come around or I'll be a bachelor again come the next few months.
If you were small and skinny she would be saying, "grow some muscle, you have spaghetti arms!" ---- NO WIN SITUATION ----
i wish i had your problem of growing to fast and clothes shrinking ...but i say buy some ugly ass shirts like them big ass hawain shirts with all the colors ...she'll hate those shirts so much shell forget about your new growth ...
This is some of the best advice I have ever heardabout how to react to that situation. excellent comment. I do this when i enter and leave the gym.

mcgaret said:
What are you wearing?? Cover your shit up. No tight shirts and sleeves that cover
your bi's. Dont be struting around in a tight tee. I always cover my shit up (almost
always). big shirts and longer loose sleeves. People rarely say anything. I wear a
tight tee and people are saying -"holy shit, your huge" even had the chick checking
at the supermarket call me "muscles". That's why I usually cover up - but I like to
leave my forearms out for the funny looks I get. Seriously, cover up and tell her
you have actually lost 2 lbs. (With your BEST serious face) I bet it works.
If you are not showing it off she might not mind in the bedroom. Just a thought -
what if your wife had huge tits and she was always showing them off. Everyone
would be looking at her and it would probably bug you after a while - like "why is
she showing off to everyone else - is she trying to attract another dude?"
BUT - if she had those huge tittys and wasent always hanging them out there
so everyone would check them out - when she did break them loose, JUST FOR
YOU, you would love them. Just a thought.