Give Up Bread?!

Lol I've just about given up bread except for eziekel bread (sp) the raisin bread is awesome!!
Lol I've just about given up bread except for eziekel bread (sp) the raisin bread is awesome!!

Ezekial bread is good stuff, that's what we buy. Once in a while I'll treat myself to some good local sourdough, I love it toasted with some raw butter and a little sea salt!!
Lol I've just about given up bread except for eziekel bread (sp) the raisin bread is awesome!!

is that the high protein bread? I only ask cause the wife and I just bought two loafs of bread and they had 7 grams of protein in each slice which i thought was pretty amazing, but i cant remember the name of it and I dont feel like walking down stairs to find out,lol
is that the high protein bread? I only ask cause the wife and I just bought two loafs of bread and they had 7 grams of protein in each slice which i thought was pretty amazing, but i cant remember the name of it and I dont feel like walking down stairs to find out,lol

Lmao!!! Can you yell or text your wife downstairs for the brand?? Killen me..
Presser and his wife live in separate houses, she got tired of his bad habits (he tucks his pecker between his legs and dances around like Buffalo Bill)
is that the high protein bread? I only ask cause the wife and I just bought two loafs of bread and they had 7 grams of protein in each slice which i thought was pretty amazing, but i cant remember the name of it and I dont feel like walking down stairs to find out,lol

How did it taste? I love french bread w/dinner.
Well when I started out bbing I always ate the brown rice, yams, etc etc etc all the complex carbs and what not. I no longer do this, now my carb sources are pretty much white potatoes, white rice, italian and french bread and I truly don't think it makes a noticeable difference.
Gotta agree with you on the rice thing. I was shocked that I am allowed to have whatever rice I want. I now eat white and jasmine, I have never been a brown rice fan but I ate it anyways. No difference at all for me, I look exactly as I should and white rice does not bloat me.
I've never heard that white rice could be used, it's always been brown rice. Not that I dislike either, but it's always been brown rice that gets all the attention
I've never heard that white rice could be used, it's always been brown rice. Not that I dislike either, but it's always been brown rice that gets all the attention

I eat either jasmine rice or black rice aka forbidden rice. You should Google forbidden rice, it is really good for you and taste a lot better than brown rice. Whole Foods has it in the bulk section for $1.79/lb.
Lmao!!! Can you yell or text your wife downstairs for the brand?? Killen me..

lol, dick, we have 3 storys and my office is on the 3rd floor, so no i cant yell down,lol, dick

Presser and his wife live in separate houses, she got tired of his bad habits (he tucks his pecker between his legs and dances around like Buffalo Bill)

wow, i dont even know where to begin,lol. "I'd Fuck Me" isnt that what he he said,lol