Got layed off yesterday


Gold Member
Yesterday I got layed off....My life is pretty much in the shitter right

My boss out of no where said that the company was in bad financial shape and that they needed to let me go because there is not enough work to do around there. This on top of the financial, legal, health, and transportation issues I already have. If this is kharma....he's been getting back at me for quite sometime...All the shit that's happened to me in the last few weeks has been amazing...I wonder myself how a guy could have such bad luck. lol

My manager was cool though....she said that she would help me try to find a new job and hook my up with recruiters. I'm in the I.T. field so the job market is tight right now...Any help is good help I suppose. I wonder what God has in store for me now...
Maybe it's Kharma for spending so much damn time on these boards while at work, lol.

Oh shit, that means I'm next.....shit!

Good things will come from this I assure you. You'll probably get a better job (maybe not as leinient on start times, lol), but better times are right around the way. Things always get worse before they get better, right!

Anyway, maybe one of my subordinants will fuck you at my party on Saturday, lol.
Keep your head up, strap them boots on and do your best looking for another job,even if it means going out of your field of training or expierence.

" When one door closes another one will open" I always consider this to be true. I was recently laid off from my dream job, so I feel ya bro....
Also recently laid off. I hear yea.

I'ved used the extra time to:

Spend more time with my family and wonderful girlfriend

Finish some work around the house that needed to be done

Pay more attention to my diet

Visit some good friends I haven't seen in a while

Add some more cardio to my routine now that I have the time

I guess what I'm saying is don't let it get to you. Turn it around and let it benefit you. Go do some things you haven't been able to do :) Enjoy the extra time off while you have it because I know you'll get a new job before you know it and be right back hard at work!

Good luck bro'
happens to us all. just got back to work myself after being laid off on christmas eve. zylo got it right use this time well.
i know the bays job market so good luck bro.
look bro just file for unemployment compensation. if you were making good money then your check will be quite nice. in the mail every two weeks. it will allow you to have some time to do other shit you need to do. train, relax, go to school. look for other work, spend time with family etc. you can even find a job that pays under the table and you'll be making more money than you were already. just my opinion. good luck.