Gym Bastards and Bitches

saturn said:
I saw invisible lat guy last night. This kid struts around the gym like he weighs 300lbs but is probably 170. I love the way he struts like he has 30 inch thighs but they are probably 20. His 13 inch arms look really impressive held out from his body to make room for his non exsistnat lats.

You seen him too? I swear I must have seen the same guy walking into the gym one night last week. At first I thought he had a leg injury, but then it became clear what was going on. And, he had the bigest pair of air-latts I've ever seen.

BTW... I promise I'm not the old guys described above. Just ask Footballcat.
I hate "Hey Big Guy"-if you don't know my name why is it neccesary to greet me or speak at all?-Do you usually start conversations with strangers??-I'm polite-good gym ettiqute-I put up my plates and wipe down my equiptment so can I continue my training w/o useless drivel??-Damn I hate 95% of the people in my gym!!
Mr. Intensity was in last night.......This kid is strong as hell I'll give him that but you would never know he lifts weights by looking at him.
He was doing squats last night. He would sit quietly on a bench looking at the weight on the rack then all of a sudden jump up and start screaming at the top of his lungs "HUP HUP lighy weight HUP HUP". He then begins shaking the squat rack walks to the bar and bangs his head against it a few time and yells "F**kin' light weight".
By the time he's done with his ritual he has worked himself into a frenzy. His eyes are bulgind out and blood shot. His face is turning red and everyone in the gym is looking his way.
He thinks everyone is looking to see his increadible strength but they are actually saying look at the jackass.
Oh and Mr. Intesity listed above also screams during his set like he is re-living some type of proson rape.
rico* said:
I hate the guy who comes in and hits the weight hard and dosnt talk to anyone or offer any advice O wait thats me:D haha

you too! i hate talkers, even if im with a buddy, we have our book with what we're goingto do and we do it without talking.
I don't know if this is a L.A. thing, but has any one encountered all the bitches talking on their cell phones while working out. It is anoying as hell. I want to kill them all.
I thought I had seen it all until about 2 weeks ago I saw a woman doing seated ab crunches (machine) with her head cocked to one side, pinching her cell phone between her ear and shoulder.
I couldn't believe that this bitch was talking on the phone while doing a half assed set of abs.

I stood there in awe.

footballcat said:
lol, how bout the guys who are in the gym who go 1/4 way down on squats, and load like 300 on there.

There is a guy in are gym, he put 24-45# plates on the leg press, he moved his legs a total of 3 inches, i could do that all day.

Or the people who only do bis, and take up the squat rack, we only have two squat racks, but we have 6 precher curl racks.

AHA i finally understood your litle obesstion with the squat rack thing :p
i have to admit i fall into the talkers coulm i usally bring my cell and ear peice to the gmy with me and start talking right through my work out hell it's a nice way to pass the time and it doesn't get in my way , i alos talk to the guys i know it's a samll gym and almost everyone knows everyone else so we talk and yell and scream insults at each other sometimes (espiaclly at night when it's empty)
Skip said:
I thought I had seen it all until about 2 weeks ago I saw a woman doing seated ab crunches (machine) with her head cocked to one side, pinching her cell phone between her ear and shoulder.
I couldn't believe that this bitch was talking on the phone while doing a half assed set of abs.

I stood there in awe.


I'm sure thats good for the neck & spine. She must be a chiropracters dream!

shyone said:
How about the guy at the gym who wears tight spandex shorts and has a bulge so big that everyone notices and you can see the outline of his manhood. I am positive he does this deliberately so all the women will look. I brought a friend to the gym and she noticed immediately and that was all she could talk about or focus on - that work out did not go well!!
Not quite sure if I understand. Are you complaining or requesting more males dress this way?

I know I get so mad when women come in with their boobs about to pop out. It seems like I am constantly adjusting my workout so I can keep an eye on them- just to offer assistance if this tragedy did occur!
LA said:
I know I get so mad when women come in with their boobs about to pop out. It seems like I am constantly adjusting my workout so I can keep an eye on them- just to offer assistance if this tragedy did occur!
There is this one little fagget now he doesn't really anoy me but he is wroth metioning
this guy come has been wroking out at our gym for the past three years (to my one )and he is still half my weight ,after everyone got bigger this summer he was still the exact same size.
he come in with a bandana wrapped around his head in a spread in a gurlly way,it's pink,he wears a head band ,and they same pair of shorts and T-shirt everyday .
but the really annyoing this about him is lys down on the benches without doing anything on em and cliams to be meditating ,i usally force him off by asking him to meditate in sets (well when handling a retard you need to think like one :p)
he has a work out partner a perfectly normal guy that yells when doing sets these two are by far the weirdest people in out gym .
The current topic of discussion is how to stay away from "Nut Sack Jack". He is an older guy that always works out in short spandex shorts with his shit tucked in. It's really a disturbing sight....

Oh.. An then we have stinky. A short Italian guy that walks like a rooster with his arms out at his side and his chest puffed out. And yes, he's a screamer. He wants to make sure everyone knows he is working hard. One of my buddies recently left a care package for him on his car (Soap, bath supplies & deodorant) with a note from a mythical girl asking him to clean up. The guy spent the next 3 days going up to the desk after each girl signed in checking their names to see if it was her.