Help with a BB show

I will add another item at this point, and that is start eating clean right now. Now this does not mean to starve yourself. You should never feel hungry. Cravings are a different story. Just don't have anything that will sabatoge your goal in the cupboards. You have gotten me excited for you as well as my future goals. I want to compete again, maybe in 2016, I don't know. I'm still recovering from back surgery and have to be careful.

Ya good call. I already stopped buying oj and bacon which are really the only bad things I get at grocery store during a bulk. I just need to be careful when eating out. I am starting to clean up the diet and slowly working back into cardio. Ya back surgery doesn't sound good. Was it from lifting?

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It was. All the deads, squats, and bent rows destroyed my discs. My whole lumbar region was destroyed - NO DISCS AT ALL. I posted 2 pics on here some where (ex rays).


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i'll be honest i didnt read the whole post... i dont have time.
but while your off or on a cruise i would focus on loosing weight, since you will not be really adding any muscle per say. your goal should be to get as lean as possible so when you get back on you are lean to begin with and will put on quality weight. plus the gear seems to work better when your lean.

try and get lean over the next 12 weeks see where you are, then pick a show
Ive been debating on a show in May myself. The right diet has me a little shaky. Just started cardio this week along with lowering cals. Not sure if i need to lower carbs or just eat super clean? Gonna have to check the show prep section out.
I changed my cycle a little. I decided not to run so much gear my first go. I don't want to use more than I need just getting started out. So first blast I'll start two days after Super Bowl since I know I'll be drinking that day. I'll do eight wee blast at:
Sust 250 @ either 500 or 750 a week. Still deciding.
Tren ace at 500 week
Winny at 50 a day for 4 weeks
Igf at 50-100 daily

Then a four week cruise and blast same but test prop instead of sust and run mast at 400-600 a week.

So excited for this adventure. Already slowly cleaning up my diet and incorporating cardio.
Hoping to get to 12% bf first blast. Then get to 8% for second or lower if I can but not gonna back out if I don't get to 6%.

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You'll get it. Clean diet and cardio. just started my cardio sessions slowly going to work my way up for increased fat loss. don't want to play all my cards up front. Down to 218 and getting leaner. Was up to 228 at one time on my bulk.
im still dieting right now, just keep it clean bro and be disciplined. I have only had 1 cheat meal in a month, it helps that I can no longer have Gluten without being miserable so carbs and other junk are kinda scarce for me to eat around the house. I just buy nothing but clean food for me and whatever the g/f wants for her stuff and we have separate cabinets/drawers in the kitchen.

I'm down about 8% body fat from 20ish 12 to 13% via my calipers, in about 2.5 months. I started low on the cardio as well started at 10 minutes post workout 3 times a week but high intensity elliptical stuff, 1 minute sprint with high resistance, 1:30 rest, repeat, seems like this just keeps my body burning calories throughout the night.

I'm just running 100mg of prop every other day.

Definitely going to follow your progress best of luck to you man, and you will get there just keep telling yourself that you want it and nothing else will matter. I hope to step on stage in about two years if all goes to plan, we will see unless I chicken out ha.
im still dieting right now, just keep it clean bro and be disciplined. I have only had 1 cheat meal in a month, it helps that I can no longer have Gluten without being miserable so carbs and other junk are kinda scarce for me to eat around the house. I just buy nothing but clean food for me and whatever the g/f wants for her stuff and we have separate cabinets/drawers in the kitchen.

I'm down about 8% body fat from 20ish 12 to 13% via my calipers, in about 2.5 months. I started low on the cardio as well started at 10 minutes post workout 3 times a week but high intensity elliptical stuff, 1 minute sprint with high resistance, 1:30 rest, repeat, seems like this just keeps my body burning calories throughout the night.

I'm just running 100mg of prop every other day.

Definitely going to follow your progress best of luck to you man, and you will get there just keep telling yourself that you want it and nothing else will matter. I hope to step on stage in about two years if all goes to plan, we will see unless I chicken out ha.

Wow man that is an awesome transformation in 2.5 months! Why are you not doing a competition yet? I have double the time to get down to that bf so I have no excuses now. Haha. Can't wait to get all muscle cuts and striations back.

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Wow man that is an awesome transformation in 2.5 months! Why are you not doing a competition yet? I have double the time to get down to that bf so I have no excuses now. Haha. Can't wait to get all muscle cuts and striations back.

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I think my wording was not very good on that, I am down to about 12 to 13% body fat from 20ish, which is about 8% in 2.5 months lol. That is more clear. Don't get me wrong I am still proud of how far I have come and how much work I have put into it though.

My main reason for holding off on a show is I have been bigger then I am now, due to injuries and honestly a bit of depression from being a big pussy and not being able to get through things I let myself slide ALOT, got fat and watched a lot of muscle mass dwindle away. I still feel small to be honest, and I am not going to be ready to step on stage until I feel like I am ready to really wow myself, I need about 15 to 20 more pounds of muscle before I will be somewhat "happy" I am very hard on myself so that in a nutshell is why.

I want to get down to about 8 or 9% within the next 8 to 10 weeks, and then im going to slowly bulk all year into the winter, hoping to put on some good quality size this year. I just feel that 2 years of me bulking, and cutting once a year to really "learn" my body again will be about right for me and I will be "as ready as I can be" at that time. We will see. Anyways back on topic did not mean for this to sway to my story lol.

I think you will be just fine bro. Especially using the Clen as well as the gear I think you will shred up in no time.
I think my wording was not very good on that, I am down to about 12 to 13% body fat from 20ish, which is about 8% in 2.5 months lol. That is more clear. Don't get me wrong I am still proud of how far I have come and how much work I have put into it though.

My main reason for holding off on a show is I have been bigger then I am now, due to injuries and honestly a bit of depression from being a big pussy and not being able to get through things I let myself slide ALOT, got fat and watched a lot of muscle mass dwindle away. I still feel small to be honest, and I am not going to be ready to step on stage until I feel like I am ready to really wow myself, I need about 15 to 20 more pounds of muscle before I will be somewhat "happy" I am very hard on myself so that in a nutshell is why.

I want to get down to about 8 or 9% within the next 8 to 10 weeks, and then im going to slowly bulk all year into the winter, hoping to put on some good quality size this year. I just feel that 2 years of me bulking, and cutting once a year to really "learn" my body again will be about right for me and I will be "as ready as I can be" at that time. We will see. Anyways back on topic did not mean for this to sway to my story lol.

I think you will be just fine bro. Especially using the Clen as well as the gear I think you will shred up in no time.

Ok I thought you got down to 8 but still that is impressive in that short of time. Well you well know when your ready. I think. Lol. Sometimes I doubt myself too but I'm going for it. I don't need to get first. I just look forward to the experience the first go around. Don't get me working in going into this with hopes of winning but won't be discouraged if I don't. I do shred up fairly quick. I know how to tune in my diet. It's hard and I hate it at times eating plain chicken and rice all the time but that's what it takes. I'll keep updating my progress as I go along in this thread.

This was me a couple months ago. I look a little bigger know. I'll throw some more updated pics as I go along. :)

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Ok I thought you got down to 8 but still that is impressive in that short of time. Well you well know when your ready. I think. Lol. Sometimes I doubt myself too but I'm going for it. I don't need to get first. I just look forward to the experience the first go around. Don't get me working in going into this with hopes of winning but won't be discouraged if I don't. I do shred up fairly quick. I know how to tune in my diet. It's hard and I hate it at times eating plain chicken and rice all the time but that's what it takes. I'll keep updating my progress as I go along in this thread.

This was me a couple months ago. I look a little bigger know. I'll throw some more updated pics as I go along. :)

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That's a great mindset going in man be confident, but first show will always be a learning experience from what I have read.

Looking like your packing quite a bit of mass man, I think you will look great. Your shoulders are huge. Can't wait to see some more progress. Your log is definitely going to be helping others ;).
That's a great mindset going in man be confident, but first show will always be a learning experience from what I have read.

Looking like your packing quite a bit of mass man, I think you will look great. Your shoulders are huge. Can't wait to see some more progress. Your log is definitely going to be helping others ;).

Thanks brotha! Appreciate the kind words. My shoulders arms and back are my strength. My chest and midsection are my weaknesses. I'm looking forward to this experience. I'm sure I will learn a lot. I'm a little addicted to the juice if ya know what I mean. So hoping I don't go overboard over the years and abuse it. It's all I fucking think about. It's sick. Im always thinking about what I can do with gear and doses. Thinking cycles ahead so on and so on. Lol. Oh well. It's a healthy addiction. Not like I'm snorting coke or something. Anyways it's a part of the game and certainly adds the edge I need.
I want to see you go for a show now brotha!

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Thanks brotha! Appreciate the kind words. My shoulders arms and back are my strength. My chest and midsection are my weaknesses. I'm looking forward to this experience. I'm sure I will learn a lot. I'm a little addicted to the juice if ya know what I mean. So hoping I don't go overboard over the years and abuse it. It's all I fucking think about. It's sick. Im always thinking about what I can do with gear and doses. Thinking cycles ahead so on and so on. Lol. Oh well. It's a healthy addiction. Not like I'm snorting coke or something. Anyways it's a part of the game and certainly adds the edge I need.
I want to see you go for a show now brotha!

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I know exactly what you mean bro, I am on my first cycle in 3+ years and just 100mg's of prop EOD but I now feel "normal" again and love it. I like you already have most of the year planned out, on prop for another 8 weeks if bloodwork all checks out, then cruise for 8 to 12 weeks then boom back on a decent level of Test E this time and maybe EQ or Deca haven't decided. Going to try to gain "clean" but as much as possible this year. My diet has never been more focused, all proteins from whole foods I do not even have protein powder in the house it feels amazing to be this dialed in. Big things to come this year for us both man.

as for the show it will come faster then I know it lol, if everything went amazing this year I could think about entertaining one next year, but if I am not pretty thrilled with my gains this year it will probably be an extra year away. We will see though ha, I'll try to get a log up or something of maybe my bulker this year.
did you ever decide in a show?

Yeah bro. I'm doing the NPC terminator in Tucson az July 11. It's a one day show and the guy that runs it says it would be a perfect beginner show. Then a week later in Mesa, az I'm going to do a two day show since I'll already be preped for it.

Guy that runs it told me he had a guy go into his first show and didn't place. Then did a show a week later and won it. So I won't expect to place in first one. Just get some experience and learn a lot and if I learn quick enough maybe place a week later. Haha. Of course I will be giving a 100% and hoping to place.

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