Hospital Again


Staff member
Just a heads up guys, i will try to check in when i can from my phone!

Still waiting for MRI Results for my back/shoulder/spine area, but the coughing and shitting blood bought me a stay.

All orders are out and shipped and their will be NO delays with new orders!
Get well man, don't worry about the orders, people should understand ahead of time any delays that may arise
Shit man I was just thinking about you as I was driving home from the gym. That sounded gay, but I hope everything's alright and you're up and running ASAP.
Bro., shitting blood is usually not too good. Sometimes just goes away though . Mabey body telling you to take a break.
Remember, if a old fuck like me can still hit it, you should bounce back pretty quick. Like I said, you might need to give
yourself a rest. (as hard as that is for us) Keep us posted and I'll tell my girls to throw uncle Presser in their prayers.
I think the big guy listens to kids more then us. Get well bro.
when i ask you are you are you ok dnt be a hard ass and say im fine.

your health is extremely important brother, please get well and keep us posted