How much sex is too much?

Quote (dedprez @ Mar. 19 2002,11:23)
Quote (tiny @ Mar. 18 2002,5:18)
you won't last long dedPrez.. thats how the catch ya bro... all dressed up, nice pretty shaggable girls... what a scam ... just wait..mark my word... after a few months theire ass will grow extensively, and theire natural bitchyness will show ... it's the sad truth, happens to everyone..  ..


remember tiny..we r in a womens forum...dont let them know what we really think about them...  

you think we don't already know what  you guys think...
sex wise ... hell we are worse then you guys .. if you only knew.. but we must act like ladies... bbbwwaaahhhhhaaaa,,, ya right...
we all know that we love it just as much as the other side  does.. ok well almost everyone.... but each person is different.. hell i know some where it is reversed.. the girl wants to fuck.. and the guy wants to make love.... what's up with that...  ehh maybe just me...

everyday is fine with me.. it just seems that i always get attacked while i am cooking or doing dishes.. or something like that... do you think it is some freudian thing or what..   ....
there is nothing wrong with a few times a day.. as long as they are not marathons.. hell there are things that need to be done during the day.. so if you spent 3+ hrs  a day.. bumping uglies.. then would you have time for everything else... so break it down like this girls .. and make the guys happy.. let them get a quicky or 2 in... hell it doesn't have to be that long... and then a good length one in to... if you cant do the lengthy ones every day.. then every other day.. (i know you don't want to get sore as hell from that .. that can kill anyones urges for it every day... RAW) ...
so you have every other day with good duration in... and then on a daily basis a quicky or 2....  some times a quick hard slam can be more satisfying than a..a...aa.. heehee.. you can figure out the rest..

<!--EDIT|Stickler|Mar. 20 2002,4:26-->
<!--QuoteBegin--sasha+Mar. 19 2002,5:38--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (sasha @ Mar. 19 2002,5:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Quote (dedprez @ Mar. 19 2002,11:23)
Quote (tiny @ Mar. 18 2002,5:18)
you won't last long dedPrez.. thats how the catch ya bro... all dressed up, nice pretty shaggable girls... what a scam ... just wait..mark my word... after a few months theire ass will grow extensively, and theire natural bitchyness will show ... it's the sad truth, happens to everyone..  ..


remember tiny..we r in a womens forum...dont let them know what we really think about them...  

you think we don't already know what  you guys think...
sex wise ... hell we are worse then you guys .. if you only knew.. but we must act like ladies... bbbwwaaahhhhhaaaa,,, ya right...
we all know that we love it just as much as the other side  does.. ok well almost everyone.... but each person is different.. hell i know some where it is reversed.. the girl wants to fuck.. and the guy wants to make love.... what's up with that...  ehh maybe just me...

everyday is fine with me.. it just seems that i always get attacked while i am cooking or doing dishes.. or something like that... do you think it is some freudian thing or what..   ....
there is nothing wrong with a few times a day.. as long as they are not marathons.. hell there are things that need to be done during the day.. so if you spent 3+ hrs  a day.. bumping uglies.. then would you have time for everything else... so break it down like this girls .. and make the guys happy.. let them get a quicky or 2 in... hell it doesn't have to be that long... and then a good length one in to... if you cant do the lengthy ones every day.. then every other day.. (i know you don't want to get sore as hell from that .. that can kill anyones urges for it every day... RAW) ...
so you have every other day with good duration in... and then on a daily basis a quicky or 2....  some times a quick hard slam can be more satisfying than a..a...aa.. heehee.. you can figure out the rest..
oops... sasha.. sorry, i hit edit instead of quote.. sorry about that..

... that kinda killed what I was gonna say... I guess I only get it once today then huH? ...  LOL ...
<!--QuoteBegin--Presser+Mar. 19 2002,6:14--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Presser @ Mar. 19 2002,6:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->VITAMIN "D" BABY[/quote]
lately I've been getting a whole lot of vitamin "D"  LOL!!
<!--QuoteBegin--Spanishfly+Mar. 25 2002,10:58--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Spanishfly @ Mar. 25 2002,10:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--Presser+Mar. 19 2002,6:14--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Presser @ Mar. 19 2002,6:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->VITAMIN "D" BABY[/quote]
lately I've been getting a whole lot of vitamin "D"  LOL!![/quote]
My x-boy was a sick fiend (in an unhealthy way!!!), so I have issue with sex right now!!
my boyfriend now is awesome!!!!! sexually, and he is the sweetest man in the world but I have a problem having alot of sex because of my x, don't get me wrong, I love to get freaky!!!! hehehe!!!!, but not often enough. belive it or not I'm seeking help because I want the sexual appetite I use to have. And I will!!! if that doen't work I'll try a little testosorone, Viagra, WHATEVER!!!!!!!, I'm to young to expierience sexual disfunction, it sucks!!!, I use love sex ALOT!!!, but I won't have a disfunction for long!!, soon I'll be chaseing him around the house my "MY" pants down!!!!hehehe!!!!, and when I do you'll hear about it!!!  <!--emo&**--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='**'><!--endemo--> !!!!!!

lots of sex is good for a relationship.. do it when your bored=  helps pass time.. do it before you go to sleep= makes you sleep better. do it when you just had a fight= MAKE UP SEX.. do it when you take a shower= no clean up. do it when they are talking to much or bothering you= that 5-10 minute of dumbness they get relives you from conversation for a few mintues..:)
hell do it when ever you can... people tend to be happier if they have and active sexlife.. good stress relief..

hotsauce.. slowly learn to enjoy it again.. being made to feel like you have to makes it unenjoyable or like a duty so to speak..  relax.. hell watch some soft porn together.. heehee.. you never know.. how many people you know can watch that without getting started.. on that note why do they make them 1+ hour long.. you really only watch like 10-15 minutes.. . anyways.. i can see how a bad past can make you not want to .. hell i stayed away from men for @1yr because of that... really really bad things had happend and i wouldn't let any one near me for almost a year.. it took that long for me to be around a guy again.. but when mentally i was able to come around.. oh the poor boy .. heehee.. (luv you honey) you need to be comfortable with doing it again.. it may just take a little something in your head to snap to make you want to again... goodluck ... hope you find it..

sad but true!!! its been affecting our relationship lately because he thinks I don't want him sexually, I know hurts him, he feels rejected sometimes and I have horrible guilt for it. I've sat down and explained to him that I have mental & bad emotional issues because of my past and I try to make him understand it has nothing to do with him, he knows I'm trying to get better. I been to 2 docters and they are still running tests and I started seeing a therapist. It could be hormonal, or many other things but I will soon find out. They started me on medication last week so that will help for now but I'll eventually get to the root it. My b-friend is more understanding now, he supports me, God bless his soul!!!!

Thanks for the advice, If we spice it up with some soft-porn and maybe some other things (hehehe!!!), I believe that will definitely help!!!!!

My husband like to get oral(all the time) while he's driving. Helps past the time while in traffic and at night he like it when people look in car. Freaky huh?