Hvae you ever wanted to call it quits on training

I always try to keep in mind that very soon I will be "on" again, and that motivates me to keep on going. It sucks when you're off, strength goes down, size goes down, weights go down, mood is low. And then it's all over, and you go back on, and everything is O.K. again. But seriously, setting aside AAS, I will try to take a day off or two and try to relax and then come back full speed. :angry:
<!--QuoteBegin--NAPALM1+Mar. 22 2002,9:02--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (NAPALM1 @ Mar. 22 2002,9:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Right now I am thinking I could throw it all away for a fucking Butterfinger!!!! LOL, later[/quote]
Its more than a sport its a lifestyle it takes alot of commitment to put junk food away to say i wont go out with the guys im not missing training tonight.You have to mentally strong and obbsessive to succeed in this game thats why so many fail its ok to have doubts but a true bodybuilder will never quit when he shrinks hell go back its an ego thing!!
I just said fuck it 3 weeks ago and just stopped going but I'm going back this friday and I'm joining a new gym.  I'm joining a Golds which is really close to work so i'm looking forward to getting into a gym that has dumbells heavier than 75lbs!!!!!!

...i havent lifted in a couple weeks but i felt i needed to take off for various reasons...i start a cycle on this upcoming monday so will be totally fresh to hit it hard again...i usually get thoughts like that when i m "off"...
I feel like throwing in the towel once in a while. Usually on leg days. I motivate myself by thinking about looking like a potato on two toothpicks.
I go thru it between cycles, mostly on shoulder days. I get tired of the pain in my joints, the popping shoulders, clicking elbows, aching wrists. Then I take a few days off of lifting and just play basketball. The joints start to feel better, the the weights start calling again... like that ex-girlfriend that you can never get out of your life...
I don't mind the taining, but its the constant eating that I hate. I'm a slow eater, so it takes up much of my time. ANd after constantly stuffing your face, everything starts to taste worse and worse. But you got to do what you got to do.
I wanted to quit a few times but my family are all fat asses and I never wanted to be like that so I bust my ass every time I am at the gym !
Stumpy is right whenever you feel like quiting watch Pumping Iron, every time I see that movie I'm ready to hit the weights.
Harvey Balboner said:
Stumpy is right whenever you feel like quiting watch Pumping Iron, every time I see that movie I'm ready to hit the weights.

Shit I feel the same way bro. For me going to gym is become like killing time..not only to get big...I don't know what to do with myself..so I punish my poor body :)
I quit one time after a show. I busted my ass to get in shape. I didnt make the top 5. I got disgusted and quit for about 3 days. I later found out the top five had all qualified at some point in time to go the nationals and another guy in my class that didnt place won his class at the master nationals.
just remember,
when you hit the gym, and I mean HARD!,
you are a part of the minority who wants it bad enough.
DON'T be like the rest of the world.
I said it before, get a good workout partner. I have two that will literally drag me out of the house. It's happened, they show up at the door and the bastards wont' leave until I go with them. Of course payback is a bitch..........
Somedays I feel like I have been kicked down a flight of steps, only to go to the gym and have a crap workout that really makes me wonder whether I have what it takes to achieve my goals......then I watch Ronnie's video and I go tear the gym a new one.......YEAH BUDDY!!! LIGHT WEIGHT, BABY!!!!
I have been contemplating calling it quits for like a few weeks now....so much shit built up in my life, but I worked too damn hard to throw it all away! so I will dig out of my trench and continue!
yes, I'm not a pro, so working out for the last 25 years, sure there has been times where I didn't even go near a weight.