I dont understand frontloading and the roid calculator


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I have been looking at diffrent roid calculators to figure out exactly how I am going to frontload. I am going to start in about two weeks. I am using 250mg/ml QV enthanate and 300mg/ml QV Deca. I want to frontload the enthanate but cant get exact numbers. I am going to do 500mg a week after the frontload. It seems like the calculators say only do around 800-1000mg the first week and 500 from then on to keep test levels level. Should my test levels be way higher in the first few weeks or level. Anybody with good suggestions let me know or let me know where a good roid calculator is.
Run the test at 800-1000 for the first week or then drop to your 500mgs dosage, I think that will be sufficient, some may frontload 2 weeks then drop the dose.
what it seems that it shortens the time it take longer acting gear it hit me and the 4-5 weeks that they are working seem to be better.. look at the roid calculator like that.. hope that helps
I dont understand front loading but its logical Ive been doing it even before i knew that it had a name.This just me but if this is first few cyc;es keep amounts low and yes maybe a calculater might be very helpful and go wiyh lowest amounts recommended if this is first 1 to 3 cycles.This winter will be my 28th and final cycle( ive said this before..LOL) But for me I feel front loading is great I dont use no calculators just go from exp. For me on bulk cycles I front loaded last cycle w750mg (3cc)test E ( sometimes I front load cyp ) every third day for two weeks then for next 8-10 weeks drop to 500 mg (2cc) test E and 1 cc of some type of Deca them three days later 500mg of test E. AdDJUST AMOUNTS DONN TO YOUR LEVEL OF USE AND PREVIOUS EXP. This is moderat for me as ive been doing this on and off last 19 years @ 2 cycles per year... Hope some of this helps a little just dont over do is the best advice I can give be smart and dont look for the quick way it takes dedicatuin and time not just juice. Sorry for the rambilings... father insticts.
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