I got busted!!

As a woman on the subject of men and " their supplement(s)", I feel that women should losen up their uneducated views on not only men and steroids, but on the right to enhance your body in what ever way you feel neccesary. I mean, is a boob job or facelift exempt from this issue. If I want cosmetic surgery, its not only exused, but envied.
My point is, "Ladies don't be scared of something you don't understand. And don't judge what you know nothing about". On the same token, " Men and Ladies - Educate yourselves on whatever you choose as your supplement(s)" and always dispose of your syringes in a great hiding place!
I know this is my first post, but I felt like I had to chime in on this subject. I am about to get my Ph.D. in biochemistry, and have been studying biochemistry/molecular biology for the last 7 years of my life. So I felt like I might have some usefull input, maybe. Anyways, I thought I should address the following statement:
The steroid*receptor combination or complex is then able to change the functions of the genetic material & spark the production of new proteins.

Hormones activate what are called transcription factors. These transcription factors bind to DNA and activate the gene to produce the protein the gene codes for. It does not alter the DNA. Let me state this another way. Second messengers like hormones turn a gene on, but do not alter what the gene codes for. That's how testosterone works, it specifically turn on genes involved in anabolism. Growth hormone turns on the genes invovled in bone and sketetal muscle synthesis. Now don't get me wrong, there are certain chemicals found outside the body that are known to alter DNA, such as pesticides, cigarette tar, and even ultraviolet radiation from the sun (skin cancer). However, out of all of the compouds that are taken by people today, I would say the least worrisome are naturally occuring hormones used by men and women (i.e. birth control). I would be more worried about synthetic drugs that are prescribed or even pesticides that might be in the food you are eating. On the flip side, this is not a license for people to abuse the use of AAS. Moderation is the key, just like anything else in life. I hope there isn't any offense taken to this post, I am just sharing what I have learned. :)
I have always been honest with AAS and my wife. She give me my injections. I can's say she always agrees but is understanding.
marmass, you're a lucky guy. I'm on the stuff legally, yet my wife freaks out if she finds out I've taken an "extra" shot because it wasn't 'doctor sanctioned.'


Ok, well I guess there are a couple of things to learn here.

1) Always communicate and be honest when possible (it makes life so much easier)


2) Learn not to defend your actions/beliefs with attitude but with facts. The most UNBIASED facts you can find. Education is the foundation for success in all ventures... (hence the reason for this forum)...

regadless.... good thread, very informative... thanks for the read.
I'm sorry I havn't seen this thread before. Theres some very interesting points . Point 1 (FACT) There is no way that AS can change genetic structure. Point 2 (FACT) It can be very difficult to discuss the AS issue with your partner. Point 3 (FACT) There is some what of a moral obligation to discuss AS with your partner. Point 4 (FACT) It may be difficult to get pregnant due to lower sperm count from AS usage.
sorry but u cant alter ur dna unless u splic it and insert something,, u dna stays teh same when u abuse any drug.. if it did,, then i could get away with rapping girls becuase inbetween raps,, i would use sauce , which in ur theory would alter my dna into something unoriginal.. i think NOT,, thats just dumb
Does almost everyone on here have a relationship filled with lies?
I mean is there any good people who believe in honesty and trust in a relationship?
I think that although it may just be a small lie to you it spreads through into other parts of your life.
Im glad to see that some guys on this board agree that they should inform their wives and gfs about steroids but to those who dont should be ashamed of yourself.
Theres two scenarios if you tell your significant other
either shes gonna be upset and decide to support you
or shes gonna leave you.
The fact is she needs all the information to make an informative decision about EVERYTHING.
Lies and Deciet are like dead people that you carry strapped on your back. They pressured and guilt of having that dead person on your back drags you down and stresses you out. The only way to get rid of it is to cut it lose and be honest and truthful.

I have been lied to soooooooooooooo many times in my life about so many things. And no matter how insignificant the lies may seem each and every time it has permanently damaged me in some way.

I want to be with someone who is honest no matter what and i only hope that everyone else here realizes that their actions effect other people and that past behaviour is the best indicator for future behaviour unless you intervene to change it.

I beg you to tell your wife or gf the truth. If you really do love them then you should respect them enough to let them know.
AAS have been widelyt used since the roman empire where atheletes used to eat the genitailia (sp) of sheep. And AAS supplementation have been used since before WWII. There are many studies about it.
fitchick said:
Does almost everyone on here have a relationship filled with lies?
I mean is there any good people who believe in honesty and trust in a relationship?
I think that although it may just be a small lie to you it spreads through into other parts of your life.
Im glad to see that some guys on this board agree that they should inform their wives and gfs about steroids but to those who dont should be ashamed of yourself.
Theres two scenarios if you tell your significant other
either shes gonna be upset and decide to support you
or shes gonna leave you.
The fact is she needs all the information to make an informative decision about EVERYTHING.
Lies and Deciet are like dead people that you carry strapped on your back. They pressured and guilt of having that dead person on your back drags you down and stresses you out. The only way to get rid of it is to cut it lose and be honest and truthful.

I have been lied to soooooooooooooo many times in my life about so many things. And no matter how insignificant the lies may seem each and every time it has permanently damaged me in some way.

I want to be with someone who is honest no matter what and i only hope that everyone else here realizes that their actions effect other people and that past behaviour is the best indicator for future behaviour unless you intervene to change it.

I beg you to tell your wife or gf the truth. If you really do love them then you should respect them enough to let them know.
completely agree...i told my girlfriend after about 2 months of dating. the whole reason i did was because i really love this girl so much and did not want to lie to her. it was the best thing to do because she completely understood. i want/wanted our relatioinship to go somewhere so i had to get it out on the table in the beginning. if you are that close with someone i believe they deserve to know about something like this...if you really love eachother you'll stay together.
fuck it im a dick...so what....aint telling....nope sorry....like my relationship just the way it is!!!! LMAO