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I just Had to say..

The Deuce

MuscleChemistry Regitered Member
I definitely just did my FIRST EVER Shot of EQUIPOISE 2 days ago.. and .. in about 20mins going to do my SECOND EVER shot of EQUIPOISE ...

I never thought of using it before because well.. What can I say.. I love TRENBOLONE..

But after careful examination of people's logs and this and that.. Tren has been KNOWN to kill an appetite.. (does for me anyways) ... So I thought .. hey .. why not try EQ for my first time ever. A simple 600mgs of EQ...

Run it for 6-7.. maybe even 8 weeks and then start my Tren .. and see if it helps battle off that Appetite killer that Tren so seemingly produces in at least me...

I will be dropping it at week 16.. and continuing the Tren up and through my Competition.. (kinda want the Appetite suppressant coming up to the show so I can CUT accordingly without being overly STARVING)

But yah I thought what better time than NOW to try it for my first go around.. Pretty excited to see how well it does inside my body,

(ALSO, Running 50mgs of Winstrol for the first 2 weeks, and 75mgs for the next 2 wks as sort of a kickstart-ish thing to this summer's madness of Prepping for the Late OCTOBER Comp.. and Early November Comp)

I'm Excited about it. Not just the first time EQ - Experience.. but the whole process.. gearing up/prepping/and competing in 2 Competitions within 2 weeks near the end of the year. Hopefully if all goes well.. I can push into Light-Heavy Next year.. but I am won't hold my breath.. :bber:

it takes me a good four weeks to get goin on eq but it has never let me down
I am not running it for 6-7 weeks... hahaha.. you misread that... 6-7 weeks is when I am going to add the TRENHEX.. ( 6-7 Weeks I SAID.. should be about the time EQ is rocking in my system and doing what it do !!)... I am running it for 16.. ehh maybe 17 weeks.. depending on how HUNGRY it makes me come contest diet time... if it's too much to bear and I find myself slipping on the PRE-COMP diet I'll be stopping the EQ abruptly because.. getting as lean and as grainy looking as I can is the most important thing..

But I shouldn't have a problem with that considering my pre-comp is consisting of TrenHex, MasteronProp, Superdrol for the first part(tentatively.. there has been steady proof that when running superdrol with masteron it's acceleration effects on muscle hardness are extremely profound).. then transition to Halotestin..

I almost THOUGHT I should run the EQ straight to competition day.. due to the POSSIBLE (I dont know because I have never run it before.. but the POSSIBLE) Vascularity aid it may have on my body.. that could be a nice factor to be bringing to the table if I am lean as can be (shooting for 3%bf day of show for the first comp on 23rd.. and HOPEFULLY.. if I can.. dropping a teeny bit lower for the November 6th show..)

I already have the Pre-comp diet planned.. but as things change .. so won't the diet.. a lot of work to be done... but I am hoping this EQUIPOISE Experiment pans out... :D
I run EQ right up until contest time, but I have a tendency to under eat. My metabolism is crazy. Are you saying you will be a middleweight this year?????
I love EQ for the most part...I get great pumps from it and with Test/EQ combo, my sex drive is always great on it..and when my sex drive is up, then the muscle gains seem to follow...thats what im running right now, test at 400mg (gonna up it to 600mg in the next couple weeks) and EQ at 60mgs (started out at 200mg, then 400mg, and now 600mg)...Slowly building up the doses to see how it effects me, just to be on the safe side of things...

what do you like running the last 6 weeks pre contest for that extra hardness/grainy look ?
ummmm... ur using a genza product?


I run EQ right up until contest time, but I have a tendency to under eat. My metabolism is crazy. Are you saying you will be a middleweight this year?????

I think I am gonna go MW this year.. I'll be a NICE Slamming MW.. not a small puny LHW.. so.. why not go where I will be a FORCE to be RECKONED with.. then to step into something admitting defeat from the get-go.. ya know?? IF I was 10lbs heavier right now, then i'd say I would try the LHW division.. I just.. I think MW is a good move for me for 2010.. 2011 is guarantee I'll be a friggen rockin' LHW... The Hard part.. trying to hit the HW in the next 5 yrs..

I love EQ for the most part...I get great pumps from it and with Test/EQ combo, my sex drive is always great on it..and when my sex drive is up, then the muscle gains seem to follow...thats what im running right now, test at 400mg (gonna up it to 600mg in the next couple weeks) and EQ at 60mgs (started out at 200mg, then 400mg, and now 600mg)...Slowly building up the doses to see how it effects me, just to be on the safe side of things...

Yah, I think that is best for you right now CHRIS.. i couldn't imagine being in your boat.. but fuck man, you are an inspiration.. despite ALL That has/is happening.. you aren't letting it beat you.. and that shows the heart of a true champion bro..


what do you like running the last 6 weeks pre contest for that extra hardness/grainy look ?

Masteron is a beautiful thing.. slamming 100mgs ED from 6-2wks out.. and 150mgs ED 2wks-day before show.

Then it's all a matter of timing the drop off of the TEST at the right time..

and nothing in the world beats the HALO/WINSTROL combo so far.. i was thinking the HALO/SUPERDROL combo this time.. or else I would be trying nothing but oral tren.. but since i'll be scorching with tren hex.. i don't feel it right to be pumping any methyltrenione into me this go around.. i might switch to it though AFTER my first show in Boston.. I am jumping the red eye from LOGAN to Las Vegas at the conclusion of the NPC New England's... so ON the flight there.. I might just do a quick 2 wk slam of Methyltren at 1mg per day 1st wk and 1.5-2mg's per day until day of show..

i dunno, guess I am going to play it by ear so to speak... :D
If you have the structure and muscle bellies to come in looking good as a middleweight then fuck ya, go for it. I don't think I could get back into the light heavies again even if I did nothing but my HRT doses. I haven't trained in a couple weeks b/c of my knee and I'm still consistently over 240 eating only a little bit each day and fucked up on pain meds. I go tomorrow to the surgeon. If I don't need surgery and I didn't completely tear the vastus medialis like I did with the medial retinaculum then I will start rehabbing myself with IGF EQ whatever peptides will help. Good luck to you! How do you like methyltrienelone? I've always been scared to take it.
Methyltrenione is NOTHING to be scared of.. it's the BEST oral in the world.. hahaha.. makes me never want to use any other oral.. yah it's that good.. but the stories you hear about it being harsh.. yah it's true it's harsher than most but not going to get you on a liver transplant list either.

THE Only reason why I even AM considering a MW showing is because I want to compete this year.. and because I was laid up for the better part of 5 months.. I lost a considerable amount of MASS.. and well..I just don't see it possible for me to come in the LHW looking my best. I know I can hit the MW looking PERFECT. but due to the 5months of non-training rehabilitation ... I totally blew my chances at being a contender in the LHW division for 2010. .... NOW.. 2011 that's a different story.. hahaha.. yah you best believe that this will be THE ONLY YEAR I compete in MW. Until years down the road when I conclude my career as a MASS MONSTER and fall back to Normal Baseline (ehh roughly at like 45-50years of age) .. I'll still want to compete in the MASTERS Division.. so there's a chance that in 2025 that i'll be back on the stage as a MW again.. lol.. but who knows.. THE FUTURE IS UNWRITTEN.. But ONE THING is for sure...




I WILL BE IN A MR. OLYMPIA SHOW some year down the line...

All of this.. is a 100% Guarantee.. I don't care if I place 16th at the OLYMPIA... Just to Compete will be Good Enough for me.

But if Somehow.. some way... I can complete my Ultimate Goal and become Mr. Olympia (enter year here) .. then.. that my brothers and sisters.. Would be the GREATEST Feeling in the world.. (A close 2nd to seeing a Child of mine being born.. and I am talking an extremely close 2nd)

I don't even anticipate that I could ever be the BEST IN THE WORLD.. but Goddamnit am I GOING TO TRY !!

If we don't have HIGH STANDARDS then we will always be falling short.. (well unless your MAIN GOAL is just to compete and win in any show.. then I guess that is your High Standard Goal) .. Mine has been.. and Always will ..

WIN AT LEAST 1 SANDOW TROPHY !! (and a smaller sized goal.. but just as ridiculously difficult is an ARNOLD CLASSIC VICTORY...)

Let's just say for the next DECADE... I Have my WORK cut out for me. DO OR DIE TRYING !!
I just put pics up.. in the umm 2010 NPC EASTERN'S POSTER Thread

and CURRENTLY .. *just weighed last night in at 235lbs*-- ehh approx 12%ish BF.


MIDDLEWEIGHT I THOUGHT .. GOD I am an IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought for some stupid effin reason that MIDDLEWEIGHT'S WEIGHT CLASS.. WAS LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT'S WEIGHT CLASS..

Guys I am NOT competing in fucking MIDDLEWEIGHT !!! I am competing in LIGHT-FRIGGEN-HEAVYWEIGHT...

WOW !!! I am such a space case and I totally feel like a RETARD !!

Light Heavyweight's cut off is 198.25lbs .. and if Everything is DONE accordingly.. I shall weigh in at about 195-196lbs.

I am completely blown away at my stupidity right now...


Methyltrienolone is Oral Tren.

Methyltrienolone (aka R1881 and Metribolone and Methyltrenione) is a potent, non-aromatizable androgen that is structurally similar to trenbolone
and has been referred to as "oral tren." It binds strongly to the androgen receptor (AR) and is a more potent agonist (activator) of the androgen receptor than is DHT. 17a-methyltrienolone is listed at 30,000 times more anabolic than methyltestosterone according to Julius Vida in "Androgens and Anabolic Agents: Chemistry and Pharmacology." Effective dosages begin at only 250mcg-1mg per day, while some prefer a pyramid dosing method increasing by 250mcgs every 3 days for a total of 3 weeks.
Sounds good to me... I'll get going on it.. when I start the Pre-contest cut.. i'll start a new thread outlining diet + training + supps + pics and condense it all to one thread like you did bro !! Should be fun.. I haven't ever done anything along those lines before... :D
I wish I responded as well to eq as the rest of you guys. Hell I wish I responded half as well to anything Deuce takes. Mofo's reactions are that of an anomaly!

I hate eq!
You should see my before pictures.. after my motorcycle accident before i started training again..



YAH.. THAT WAS .. The Deuce at the beginning of February of 09 (no the time stamp does not mean 11/11/09)