In a funk, unmotivated and need some help from the boys and girls of MC....


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The past couple years have been rough on my body. I separated my AC joint in my right shoulder a couple years ago doing crossfit. Last April I partially tore my right bicep. I have not hit the gym more than maybe twice a week for the past year. I have no motivation and I hate it. When I do work out I'm honestly scared to push any real weight out of fear of getting hurt more. I've not picked up a dumbbell over 60 pounds since April. I have shoulder pressed 150's in the past and now I dont want to press 50's. I know I can push more but it just sucks cause I always feel like I'm on the edge of getting hurt again. I know its in my head.

What do you guys do when your in a funk and are unmotivated to go to the gym? I need to get out of this and fast.
ive kinda been in the same boat the past 7 months i havent really trained hard usually 2 times a week with light weight and im out in less than a hour. my wife got me motivated by messing with me about the fat i have put on. i dont know what i did to my shoulder but im scared to push heavy. i have gone the past 2 days and have some gear ready so maybe get stocked up on stuff and tell yourself you cant let it go to waste lol
You are different from anyone else I've ever met so gym clothes and shoes wouldn't do it for you. My suggestion is now that you work alone, pack all your food. Diet like crazy and try to get shredded again. You looked awesome at like 205. No reason to go heavy. Id.get on an HRT dose if you arent, get some peptides and IGF, diet and do cardio. Less weights and make up the other time with cardio. I do 30-45 minutes at least 5 days a week and I've never looked more impressive or been as motivated in my life...

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And you can feel free to call or text and talk shop... we're still boys Lol!

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Get n some anti depression pills to give you that lift......did you come off a cycle when you went into a funk? Usually happens.....I was there really bad....lost my job and didn't care and couldn't get out of bed for two's more than a funk and you just can't snap out of it....people who haven't gone through this have no wife would say just get can't and trying alone is hard...anti-deppresion meds helped me and I would ask your Dr.
I am not depressed and I am not going to take meds. I'm at a great place in my life. I worked hard to get to where I am now as part of a hard achieved long term goal. I have a good job and and I have a great wife. I'm not off cycle, I have an HRT doc and get my blood checked often. I am good to go there.

I know its just mental for me. For me knowing that I used to press 225 for 30 reps and with my shoulder the way it is I'll never bench 225 again for 10 if I ever bench at all ever again.

I have done 30 dead hang pull ups before without getting off the bar. With my bicep tear this past April I dont even want to attempt one pull up. Its sad to me that I do lat pull downs with 50 pounds less than my body weight when I used to do dead hang pull ups with two extra 45 pound plates off a weight belt.

I used to do weighted dips with 4 45 pound plates for 4 sets of ten. Now with my shoulder I can barely to 10 regular dips with out being in massive amounts of pain for days afterwards.

Just sucks...
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I will say i havent been very involved on MC during 7 month lay off but this past week i have been reading the threads/logs and it has helped me get more motivated
I'd try a de load week just back off the weights and just chase that pump. For the shoulder honestly I hardly ever push much weight I do tons of giants sets.
I.e machine shoulder press, side raises, bent over laterals, and front raises. Great pump not a lot of stress on the shoulders.
I think the de load and not focusing on your strength could help just to change and only aim for that pump at least gets yourself back in the gym more often
It is hard to accept im not pushing the weight i was a year ago especially when i see smaller guys putting up heavier weight but you know it is what it is and i can start over, set new goals and just do the best i can. It sure as fuck beats the alternative

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Of being angry and depressed
Key word is smaller guys. Smaller guys who won't have rotator cuffs in 5 years and will need knew knees in 10. Not all who lift heavy are huge. Yes ego wise or even as an accomplishment it can be amazing. But lifting 500 last year or in your "prime" isint going to keep you healthy in 20 years or make you the biggest sob you could be.
The past couple years have been rough on my body. I separated my AC joint in my right shoulder a couple years ago doing crossfit. Last April I partially tore my right bicep. I have not hit the gym more than maybe twice a week for the past year. I have no motivation and I hate it. When I do work out I'm honestly scared to push any real weight out of fear of getting hurt more. I've not picked up a dumbbell over 60 pounds since April. I have shoulder pressed 150's in the past and now I dont want to press 50's. I know I can push more but it just sucks cause I always feel like I'm on the edge of getting hurt again. I know its in my head.

What do you guys do when your in a funk and are unmotivated to go to the gym? I need to get out of this and fast.

I have been there many times brutha! What has worked for me is I have either started a massive cycle even though i wasn't in there gym yet, and let the hormones kick in and then hit the gym after maybe 2-3 weeks of being on the new massive cycle, that has worked a few times.

And lastly, I have been in long long looooong funks to the point where it was just a matter of willing myself into the gym, and forcing myself to get in there, and on a few occasions it took me a couple to 3 weeks to feel good again to the point i didn't wanna miss a workout anymore,

Sometimes its just a matter sheer will power bro
CH3NO2, do you train alone? I know your wife goes, but I mean do you have a guy who could maybe spot you to build up your confidence cause we all know you can lift heavy. Maybe you and your lovely wife could join us at our new gym. Even just a visit or two could help. Lots of Pros there. It's pretty awesome. I know it's a drive for you but if it gets you motivated... Plus it would be fun to hang out :-)
Also, like The Dude mentioned try peptides or something new. That usually helps me. Good luck buddy!!
I'm in the same spot right now. I've been unmotivated for quite some time and its hard to want to hit the gym 5 times per week. Honestly, I like the suggestion about doing more cardio. That's what I'm trying to do right cardio first thing in the gym (2-3 miles) and then hit the weights for a bit. As I start to build up strength (and motivation) I'll start trying heavier weights, but at this point I just need to get the routine down of going to the gym more often, and on a set schedule. Cardio makes that transition a bit easier and doesn't screw with your mind regarding how much weight you are lifting or not lifting.
Plus I'm starting to get fat...and that always instills motivation to go to the gym. Maybe eat junk food all day every day for a few months and watch the motivation increase. LOL.
I am not depressed and I am not going to take meds. I'm at a great place in my life. I worked hard to get to where I am now as part of a hard achieved long term goal. I have a good job and and I have a great wife. I'm not off cycle, I have an HRT doc and get my blood checked often. I am good to go there.

I know its just mental for me. For me knowing that I used to press 225 for 30 reps and with my shoulder the way it is I'll never bench 225 again for 10 if I ever bench at all ever again.

I have done 30 dead hang pull ups before without getting off the bar. With my bicep tear this past April I dont even want to attempt one pull up. Its sad to me that I do lat pull downs with 50 pounds less than my body weight when I used to do dead hang pull ups with two extra 45 pound plates off a weight belt.

I used to do weighted dips with 4 45 pound plates for 4 sets of ten. Now with my shoulder I can barely to 10 regular dips with out being in massive amounts of pain for days afterwards.

Just sucks...

I understand completely bro, I have been there multiple times. Between sports and lifting I have been rough on my body, right now I have a still ruptured long head bicep going on my 4th year since where it ruptured the chances of holding a suture were not worth the finance cost. Shoulder surgery when I was 18, torn cartilage in both knees. I have finally come to terms that I'm not going to be deadlifting 5 and 600 pounds for reps anymore, no more going too heavy, I have realized that I feel better and honestly grow just as fast with mediocre weight and just concentrating extra hard on that mind to muscle contraction, I can get myself so damn sore I can barely move off half the weight I used to use.

My advise is what the Dude just wrote, I started gaining weight got depressed and sad, thinking I would never look good anymore with a complex about my bicep etc. I started dieting like a mad man clean as ever and am working to get leaner then I have in a while. this sparked a good drive and now that I am back on a moderate cycle the gains are coming great. Helps that I was off for so long but I feel better then ever. Focus on the mirror instead of the weight of the Iron so much.
The past couple years have been rough on my body. I separated my AC joint in my right shoulder a couple years ago doing crossfit. Last April I partially tore my right bicep. I have not hit the gym more than maybe twice a week for the past year. I have no motivation and I hate it. When I do work out I'm honestly scared to push any real weight out of fear of getting hurt more. I've not picked up a dumbbell over 60 pounds since April. I have shoulder pressed 150's in the past and now I dont want to press 50's. I know I can push more but it just sucks cause I always feel like I'm on the edge of getting hurt again. I know its in my head.

What do you guys do when your in a funk and are unmotivated to go to the gym? I need to get out of this and fast.

After my surgery on my total tricep tendon tear I took it very slow, I where an elbow wrap and I got prtty close to what I used to do. SLow and steady is key, never jump too high with weight without time, and if your body tells you no gym, listen to it. I haven't been wanting to go this week and haven't, and I have a serious groin pull out of no where yesterday, as well as my left forearm hurting like it's sore from a workout, so this week has to just be a no gymer
That sucks man. Injuries can be scary. What could be motivational is reading articles on pro builders like lets say Jay who haf is bicep tendon reattached and it became even bigger and stranger than the other. Just oush it a little at a time. You'll come back. And dont pay attention to those little f.... lol. But hi km now some of them are thinking how or what can I do to be that big seeing other bigs in the gym. Then they will have a hard time will motivation and such. If u dont use it you'll lose it. Whats the Dr say about you going heavier anyway?
Thanks for all the posts and kind words.

I should add that today was a kick in the nuts. I NEVER get sick and today I woke up with a sore throat and it got worse as the day went on. I feel like shit, headache sore throat, cough... FUCK. I hate being sick and I've not been sick in a couple years. It hurts to swallow. Ughhhh.

When I kick this cold I think I may start back by upping the cardio. I may even do things like yoga a couple times a week.