Liquid's m1t

big bump for anyone who has any updates. Seriously considering. The old M1T i had came in 10mg capsules. Are LS the same?
big bump for anyone who has any updates. Seriously considering. The old M1T i had came in 10mg capsules. Are LS the same?

Ran it at 40mg a favorite oral thus far. The Liqiuid version is a liquid so you cant compare but an awesome product it is, no doubt
I'm running 75mg a day 50mgs in the morning 25mgs at night it's been 4days and wow! Strength is up did not get on the scale yet but, weight has to be up , all in all I give m1t two thumps up! And I need to go drink some right now lol
wow, ive heard ppl getting decent gains off 10mg ed, i cant imagaine what 75mg will do?

Jon, you ever bump your boy thats taking it to 50mg, or did you stay at 25mg?
wow, ive heard ppl getting decent gains off 10mg ed, i cant imagaine what 75mg will do?

Jon, you ever bump your boy thats taking it to 50mg, or did you stay at 25mg?

This is not decent for me it's bad ass! Lol I'm using Mc nova 20mgs e.d
This is not decent for me it's bad ass! Lol I'm using Mc nova 20mgs e.d

I'm one that's all for high doses...but seriously get bloodwork after...I had a friend who took 50mgs of M1t when it was legal for 8 weeks....his hdl was 8!! Not to mention ur liver....m1t is pretty much the strongest oral steroid (save maybe methyl tren which is dosed in mcgs) ever made...the more potent it is...the more toxic it is (generally)

Did 50mgs not work for u?

Btw plz don't take this as me preaching....

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I'm one that's all for high doses...but seriously get bloodwork after...I had a friend who took 50mgs of M1t when it was legal for 8 weeks....his hdl was 8!! Not to mention ur liver....m1t is pretty much the strongest oral steroid (save maybe methyl tren which is dosed in mcgs) ever made...the more potent it is...the more toxic it is (generally)

Did 50mgs not work for u?

Btw plz don't take this as me preaching....

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Oh I'm not , I'm only running it for 2wks and the half -life I thought was 12hrs so I didn't want my levels to drop , if this is to much maybe I should drop to 50mgs?
Oh I'm not , I'm only running it for 2wks and the half -life I thought was 12hrs so I didn't want my levels to drop , if this is to much maybe I should drop to 50mgs?

Two weeks it's probably ok...but u could run 50mg longer with probably just as good gains

75 is a lot...but not unheard of

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This is not decent for me it's bad ass! Lol I'm using Mc nova 20mgs e.d

How are the M1-t gains coming along bro? And did you lower your doses yet, or do you plan to? if ur only running two weeks though your prolly fine?lol
Damn guys you make this stuff sound deadly,lol man I've ran 100mgs of drol a day with no problem.

You CANT! compare drol to M1t mg to mg bro! Drol is a 50mg tab and M1t is/ was 10mg. The liquid one seems to nees a little more to get the same effect as the old 10mg M1t but so what . It is phenomenal at 40mg a day trust me.
what type of gains do you get with this, and also is gyno an issue? If so is it estrogen induced or progesterone induced?
How are the M1-t gains coming along bro? And did you lower your doses yet, or do you plan to? if ur only running two weeks though your prolly fine?lol

Well I went down on the mg to 50mg e.d gains , well I got alot stronger and weight I don't know how much because my gym has a broke scale and there to damn cheap to get a new one! Lol but over all I look alot bigger to.
i ran an entire bottle at 25mg/day til it was gone. not much weight gain, but strength went up fast. Close to my best lifts at less bodyweight.

I'd say its a winner. Used it as a bridge.
Ten days so far for me and strength up , just jumped on a scale and up 4lbs , now I don't know if im putting weight on because of the m1t or because I just started back at the gym and the fact of lossing 30lbs from a bad knee surgery.