Makin first batch of superhumanstrength magic in 3 days.. Got a few recipes.. Any suggestions??

Damn good job for your first time out brother. I am curious to see how it works for you as well. You plan on doing a timeline of like 2 weeks and see how it affects you?
Damn good job for your first time out brother. I am curious to see how it works for you as well. You plan on doing a timeline of like 2 weeks and see how it affects you?

I got a buddy getting bloods and I'm letting him have a bottle to be for sure, I did a shot just to be sure it's no problems with it before I let anyone try it. Painless smooth injection, barely any soreness next day. Waiting on my Tren ace and sus, then it shall begin. I figured starting a little test a week or two before couldn't hurt, unless someone would advise against this..

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thats actually why I asked to get your first hand input. So what is your upcoming cycle looking like if you dont mind sharing?
Prolly gonna do 400mg Tren A a week, with sus, 500mg week maybe, haven't decided for sure gonna have some cyp I guess inject 125mg every week so 625mg test total a week.. With the 400mg Tren.. I guess I'll start with 2 bottles.. What's that like 5 weeks.. May extend it with another bottle and end it with cyp injections.. My brother usually suggest the best course to take, he's been doing it for years.. But I'm open for critique

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Im still in the begin learning to walk stages I am just trying to gather information and see where cycles lead people. I have a cycle planned out, but I just want to gain more information right now. Pretty set on the basic pct cycle as well?
Yea most definitely, if you've never done it, a lot of people on here suggest a straight test cycle, just browse through the threads it's all here bro. To be honest I don't trust my own knowledge enough to recommend anything to a anyone

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But my first cycle ever was deca with sus and I think cyp it was a short cycle I think i only had one bottle of deca and the test but it def added size, it shuts you down though and stays in you a long time, takes a couple weeks to even get in you.. Tren A is my shit now, but I wouldn't recommend that for a first cycle, like i said I don't recommend anything to anyone.. How old are you?

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33 years young :shocked: I have tried sarms, I just want to see what the next step has to offer really. The cycle I mapped out goes like this:

Deca 500mg per week for 8 weeks.
Test E 500mg per week for 8 weeks
Winstrol 50mg daily for 6 days a week for 6 weeks
and IGF-1 lr3 80 mcgs daily for 8 weeks or Tren like say 100-150mg a day 3 or 4 times a week

Pct wise I was thinking like Nolvodex 10mg daily for the 8 weeks to be on the safe side and 150mg of Clomid 2 weeks after the gear cycle ends for 4-5weeks
I do 100mg Tren A eod.. Not sure but I think you want your test levels higher than your deca to prevent unwanted shit.. Should post that on a cycle thread I just don't know about it bro

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Maybe so, I tried it again later on after first cycle and front loaded it, worked alright, there's also NPP I believe it's called its a faster acting deca, just requires frequent injections.. I think I read it doesn't stay in your system as long either being short ester I suppose.. There's prolly over 50 other guys on here that know more about it than I do tho.. Just look at others experiences.. Everybody's dif

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250 mg/ml - 100ml Cyp
25g raw
2ml BA
10ml BB
69.25ml Oil (GSO)

100 mg/ml - 100ml Tren A
10g raw
2ml BA
20ml BB or 15ml ??
70.5ml oil (GSO) or 75.5 with 15 BB

250 mg/ml - 100ml Sus
25g raw
2ml BA
20ml BB
59.25ml BA

Any suggestions guys?!

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@H8terproof Hey bud. Thanks a lot for your thread. But I think you should a slight changes in your recipes. Here's our recipes for reference:
250 mg/ml - 100ml Cyp
25g raw
2ml BA
18ml BB
57.28ml Oil (GSO)

100 mg/ml - 100ml Tren A
10g raw
2ml BA
18ml BB
71.52ml oil (GSO) or 71.52ml oil with 15ml BB & 5ml BA

250 mg/ml - 100ml Sus
25g raw
2ml BA
18ml BB
57.68ml oil (GSO)

Hope my suggestion could help you.:sport::sport:
Amazing bro!! Well done!!! Now pin it and enjoy hehehhe

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Hey .

i am from spain like you isn´t?

I will send you a private mesage right now. Please read it i would like speak with you...

Thanks V.M.
ya I could see that. So probably Test 500mg and Deca 400mg

NPP is really nice, in my case i didn't hold the water that deca holds. It is fine go same test/deca but i like more th protocol high test low deca o vce, just depend how your body reacts

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33 years young :shocked: I have tried sarms, I just want to see what the next step has to offer really. The cycle I mapped out goes like this:

Deca 500mg per week for 8 weeks.
Test E 500mg per week for 8 weeks
Winstrol 50mg daily for 6 days a week for 6 weeks
and IGF-1 lr3 80 mcgs daily for 8 weeks or Tren like say 100-150mg a day 3 or 4 times a week

Pct wise I was thinking like Nolvodex 10mg daily for the 8 weeks to be on the safe side and 150mg of Clomid 2 weeks after the gear cycle ends for 4-5weeks

Imo dude you will need to really clean your liver with those amounts of winny for 6 weeks. Drink a lot of water or take something to keep your liver in a good status, it is gonna work a lot ehhehe.

In your PCT, you need HCG. if is gonna be your 1st cycle, 500mg of testo/week you will need it. I recommend tou to use around 500ui/week split in 2 dosis and at the end 1250ui eod. With 5000ui (4x1250ui) you have enough. Of course with clomi. during your cycle i will use arimidex or something similar, it will take care of a possible gino

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Prolly gonna do 400mg Tren A a week, with sus, 500mg week maybe, haven't decided for sure gonna have some cyp I guess inject 125mg every week so 625mg test total a week.. With the 400mg Tren.. I guess I'll start with 2 bottles.. What's that like 5 weeks.. May extend it with another bottle and end it with cyp injections.. My brother usually suggest the best course to take, he's been doing it for years.. But I'm open for critique

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If you allow me dude, extend the tren for min 8 weeks, preferebly i will do 10 weeks, you are just gonna cut it when you will start to see the nice results!! Hehehe. For the amount of testo/tren it is fine. Have you thought to add something else like bolde or maybe masteron if you are really low fat %? Also those amount of tren can maybe give you a little bit of gine, have cabergoline on hand in case. I strongly recommend you too to use T3 always that you use tren. Tren brings down your t3 levels, low t3 levels make prolactin go high, and then can come the gine. A dosis of 25mcgr should be enough, but if you wanna rip much more i will use 50-75mcgr max. No more than 8 weeks of t3 and always doing pyramid. PM if you have doubts!

Btw really interested about LMC raws, i dont really believe on them as i saw 50-50 good-bad reviews....

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