MC IGF, the proven choice...

Because of my lipids being so jacked from running tren so long ive got to go back to get checked out in about another month I guess. Pretty sure thats why. I knowy test levels were bottomed out. Got to get those down over this next month amd take a break from there. From igf too. Igf has been awesome. Im currently running 100mcg a day. See how that goes for another 10 days then im breakin for a bit. Gotta start Saving up for a massive bulk cycle. I guess ill see what the doc says. Thought about asking him to put me on sust. That would be better than cyp.
Because of my lipids being so jacked from running tren so long ive got to go back to get checked out in about another month I guess. Pretty sure thats why. I knowy test levels were bottomed out. Got to get those down over this next month amd take a break from there. From igf too. Igf has been awesome. Im currently running 100mcg a day. See how that goes for another 10 days then im breakin for a bit. Gotta start Saving up for a massive bulk cycle. I guess ill see what the doc says. Thought about asking him to put me on sust. That would be better than cyp.

is Sustanon even approved for HRT or TRT? Never heard of that, and good luck with everything brutha!
I read at one time they used it for trt for people who are not reponding well to cyp. Ill ask him about a shorter ester anyway. Wish he would give me prop lol
I read at one time they used it for trt for people who are not reponding well to cyp. Ill ask him about a shorter ester anyway. Wish he would give me prop lol

yeah i don't see a doctor giving propionate as HRT or TRT , too many injections
Probably not the best time to be off the igf. Been keeping a close eye on testosterone levels to be ready for test at Dr on 26th. At 150mg week im running around 485. Low low. Sucks. Im going to ask him to bump it up. Got all the pap er work and am gonna take it to show him. I did find another trt Dr nut is out of town. Be a drive for me. But he is a body builder. Man is dipping into his patients supply lol. Cant wait to get this visit over though cause I need my levels back.
Probably not the best time to be off the igf. Been keeping a close eye on testosterone levels to be ready for test at Dr on 26th. At 150mg week im running around 485. Low low. Sucks. Im going to ask him to bump it up. Got all the pap er work and am gonna take it to show him. I did find another trt Dr nut is out of town. Be a drive for me. But he is a body builder. Man is dipping into his patients supply lol. Cant wait to get this visit over though cause I need my levels back.

what do u mean dipping into patience supply lol
I've been off igf for about a month now but as soon as I start back up I'm gonna run 100 MCG a day. did that for a couple weeks before I stopped and it felt great. I think Thsts the right amount for me.

yeah a lot of guys i know use that dose and say its perfect
Mine should arrive today! Can't wait!
Any last minute tips for an MC-IGF first timer... I know I should start out small maybe 20mcg ? Chest & bicep day today so hopefully it will be in my mailbox when I get home around 3ish. Yeah boyyeeee!

tap'n on my S5
Mine should arrive today! Can't wait!
Any last minute tips for an MC-IGF first timer... I know I should start out small maybe 20mcg ? Chest & bicep day today so hopefully it will be in my mailbox when I get home around 3ish. Yeah boyyeeee!

tap'n on my S5

nope no real advice other then start low and work your way up til you feel whats right for you brutha, 20 may be low, i would start at 30mcgs, but you may respond super well, so maybe 20mcgs can get ya by! good luck and ENJOY IT BRUTHA!!!!
Thanks my man! Just arrived today so I'm looking forward to giving it a try. I'll keep you guys updated.....from all the positive reviews from our boys here, I'm sure I'll be placing another order real soon. LOL!
Thanks again for all the input, guidance and amazing support both on the forums here and through your Advanced Supplements store. You guys fuckin rock!

tap'n on my S5
Thanks my man! Just arrived today so I'm looking forward to giving it a try. I'll keep you guys updated.....from all the positive reviews from our boys here, I'm sure I'll be placing another order real soon. LOL!
Thanks again for all the input, guidance and amazing support both on the forums here and through your Advanced Supplements store. You guys fuckin rock!

tap'n on my S5

good to hear brutha!
I just got mine and took it for the first time today.

Made a stupid mistake and took 40iu instead of 4. I didn't notice any sides other than swelling though (which is Awesome). Lol!

I'm going to start at 20mcg tomorrow and see how I do with it. I just started a cycle, and wanted to take it for the first few weeks. Then I'll use it as a bridge.

This is my first cycle, so I can't wait!!
I just got mine and took it for the first time today.

Made a stupid mistake and took 40iu instead of 4. I didn't notice any sides other than swelling though (which is Awesome). Lol!

I'm going to start at 20mcg tomorrow and see how I do with it. I just started a cycle, and wanted to take it for the first few weeks. Then I'll use it as a bridge.

This is my first cycle, so I can't wait!!

It has amazing effects. The only thing I've ever come in contact with that progressively produces better and better results the longer you use it

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