MC's IGF - a girls pov/log

And I appreciate your 2 cents. Thank you. I really need to work on not focussing my energy on things I can't control. One day at a time :-) But the bad times certainly make you appreciate the good times that's for sure.
Amen to that! I do agree you appreciate the good times once you are on the muck of things. Praying for you woman!
Thanks. It's working because I'm back to my normal happy self. The Dude and I are going through some tough times. Work screwing him around and now we have lawyers involved. It's been going on since April 2013. One thing after another and sometimes it just seems like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. Oh well, I do recognize and VERY thankful that what we're going through would end some marriages, but it's just making us closer. God has a plan and I know it'll work out in the end. You know when you go through something that seems so terrible at the time, but down the road it turns out to be a blessing in disguise? I'm a believer and I know that's what'll happen in this case :-) Thanks Kleto.
Thanks. It's working because I'm back to my normal happy self.The Dude and I are going through some tough times. Work screwing him around and now we have lawyers involved. It's been going on since April 2013. One thing after another and sometimes it just seems like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. Oh well, I do recognize and VERY thankful that what we're going through would end some marriages, but it's just making us closer. God has a plan and I know it'll work out in the end. You know when you go through something that seems so terrible at the time, but down the road it turns out to be a blessing in disguise? I'm a believer and I know that's what'll happen in this case :-) Thanks Kleto.

geez is that still going on.i think i remember dude talking about that a while ago.
Any how its all coming together looking good/great in my book..
geez is that still going on.i think i remember dude talking about that a while ago.
Any how its all coming together looking good/great in my book..

It's going good. They are still fighting, but they were forced at the last minute to let me keep my job until this is over. That's been a huge help especially given the things we are working on. It's amazing to me that people behave this way. It's reprehensible. What they do it try to drag things out and make you so miserable that you give up. Unfortunately for them, I will never do that. I know what I am entitled to and I don't back down from anyone.

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I know what I am entitled to and I don't back down from anyone.

One of the MANY reasons I married you :-) Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. It really does help.

Ok, back to igf, lol... Like I said before I want to add a little more size to my shoulders. They've come A LONG WAY since I started my fitness journey, but I need more!! Lol! I'll try and get some shoulder pics up today showing where I'm currently at and I'll periodically post progress pics. Hopefully with the help of MC's igf I'll get some serious caps to these shoulders :-)
One of the MANY reasons I married you :-) Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. It really does help.

Ok, back to igf, lol... Like I said before I want to add a little more size to my shoulders. They've come A LONG WAY since I started my fitness journey, but I need more!! Lol! I'll try and get some shoulder pics up today showing where I'm currently at and I'll periodically post progress pics. Hopefully with the help of MC's igf I'll get some serious caps to these shoulders :-)

They have already progressed tremendously. I think the next few months will be pretty awesome

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The Dude and Silk, I will certainly lift you both up in prayers. The tough times are just a measure of your faith in God and your growth together in marriage. You are absolutely right, most marriages would end in such times. May God bless you both and give you His strength to push through and overcome all that is.
It's going good. They are still fighting, but they were forced at the last minute to let me keep my job until this is over. That's been a huge help especially given the things we are working on. It's amazing to me that people behave this way. It's reprehensible. What they do it try to drag things out and make you so miserable that you give up. Unfortunately for them, I will never do that. I know what I am entitled to and I don't back down from anyone.

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Amen to that Brother! A warrior's Spirit. Trust in the Lord for He is with you. Do not let those fools break you.
One of the MANY reasons I married you :-) Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. It really does help.

Ok, back to igf, lol... Like I said before I want to add a little more size to my shoulders. They've come A LONG WAY since I started my fitness journey, but I need more!! Lol! I'll try and get some shoulder pics up today showing where I'm currently at and I'll periodically post progress pics. Hopefully with the help of MC's igf I'll get some serious caps to these shoulders :-)
Yea so Silk I must admit your shoulders are bigger than mine, now that's saying a lot. I need to get those boulders, guess MC igf IS the way to go! Lol!
Kleto, your replies make me smile! I did have to laugh at the boulder comment, lol

Austin, we took shoulder pics last night and they'll be up today. The Dude just has to erase my face. I can't do that. As far as my workout, it was just OK. It was cold(!!) last night and this Florida girl is not used to that, lol... I warmed up, even wearing a jacket during parts of my workout, but everything just felt off. Oh well, any workout is better than no workout at all right?
Lol...Awww thank you Kleto! Well, if I'm gonna have quads in my MC name then I gotta have some muscle to them or it's just silly LOL!
You look awesome silk i hope to look close to that by july show time granted I'm short 4"11 lol

- - - Updated - - -

I have a ? Is hgh better then igf1 lr3 your thoughts anyone
You look awesome silk i hope to look close to that by july show time granted I'm short 4"11 lol

I have a ? Is hgh better then igf1 lr3 your thoughts anyone

Thank you girl! That's quite a compliment :-) You sound very dedicated to your training so I'm 100% sure you'll be happy with your progress. You have plenty of time and I saw the progress pics of your quads so I know you got this!!!
As far as your question, I don't know the right answer, but I can give you my opinion. I prefer igf. Reason being, I can afford it for one (lol) so it's easier for me to use regularly. As you know you have to be on hgh for a long time to see benefits so unless you have time and money then it's not worth it IMO. And that's assuming you get real legit stuff!! I've always been happy with MC's products so that's why I keep coming back. On top of that I see results from igf a lot faster then hgh. Now if you have time and money at your disposal then maybe hgh is the way to go, but idk. Maybe someone else can give you a more in depth answer since there's still so much for me to learn.