Need tattoo ideas

does that wrecking balm shit work to fade them away or is surgery the only way?
does that wrecking balm shit work to fade them away or is surgery the only way?

I've done extensive research and know alot of tattoo artists... LASER, all the way! I hear that wrecking balm stuff can actually damage your skin and make it worse. Of course, I don't know from experience or from any friends with experience, but at the very least it is a big waste of money. My artist friends recommend laser for anyone wishing to remove a piece or lighten one for a cover-up.

FYI about laser (for anyone who's interested):

Someone I know is on her second laser removal and it seems to be pretty effective. The only problem is that the laser targets dark pigments. As a result, it works best on people with lighter skin since it can potentially cause hypopigmentation. Reds, yellows, oranges and greens can be the most difficult colors to remove since the laser has a harder time picking them up.
thanks for clarifying Steph, i dont need to worry lol i dont have any i was just curious i always heard it advertise but never heard much about it from people that used it.
thanks for clarifying Steph, i dont need to worry lol i dont have any i was just curious i always heard it advertise but never heard much about it from people that used it.

No prob GS! I figured it couldn't hurt to throw it out there since I know there's alot of us inked up peeps on the board! :) I roll my eyes every time I hear that commercial... Getting ink placed into the dermal layer of skin with a needle isn't cheap or without pain, therefore why should getting it removed be so simple? Doesn't even make sense...
rib tattoos are sickk too if anyone has..i got a cross there painful but worth it

I've got Mandarin down my ribs that reads, "The only constant in change" And yes, it hurt.

I got a tattoo in Hawaii as a souvenir and the artist told me the first tattoo parlor he walked into had a sign that read, "Yes, tattoos hurt, if they didn't pussies would have them too." I cracked up.

These are from a while back, but here are some pics of mine.


From Hawaii

For my beautiful wife

My first one, the day I turned 18

Same tat. Reads differently upside down.

Ambigrams huh, I love me some tattoos. The last one went so smooth that I had fallen asleep. They ARE addicting as fuck!!!
I wouldn't even be able to picture how you could manipulate the phrase like that. Very cool though. I'd probably put some cross-rifles with a black heart and a tribute to my fallen buddy.

Never in the armed forces. Wanted to join the Marines, but it just never worked out. Other things kept coming up, school, marriage, etc.

Super grateful for your service though. :)

Had a buddy in school that was an Army Ranger and the stories he had were amazing. I was really jealous.
I appreciate it, man!! There's a few brothers here that were in as well.

No prob! Yeah, like-minded people tend to congregate. Bodybuilders and military both have similar mindsets it seems. Only fitting that they are on the same forum :)
Oh yeah, for sure!!!!!! I feel its etched in my DNA!! I bet most of the guys here have a warrior gene in them that just needs to get activated and liberated.