next cycle suggestions? / EQL


New member
Well this one 's finished. It was a and test (500) and deca (400). I'm already planning ahead for my next since I know, from last time, things can get in the way. Like a certain Jay who goes sour and than some idiot who sells me fakes (very good copies though). Also deciding on what to buy, where to buy, waiting for it to come and so on takes time. Than mailing 20.000 times around and around and posting on forums to check if they are fake or not. And when you find out they are, than you can start all over again.

Anyway, nag nag nag, you all catch my drift. Next cycle won 't be for 5 months. Mainly because I don't wanna bulk in summer because of heat. But I'm gonna start shoppping allready anyway fot eh reasons mentioned above. In the first place I still have to decide on what I ‘m gonna do.

So... any suggestions? I'm not gonna do tren or prop. Don't want anything I have to inject more than once a week.

I was thinking about doing the same as I did now, replacing the deca by EQ. So 500 enanth. + 400 EQ both for 3 months, jumpstarted with 4 weeks of 40 mg dbol a day.

I was thinking of going for EQL. Kinda curious in these statements presser makes all the time. He kinda seems to back 'm up quite well ;-)) (j/k bro). Anyway would be nice to have a mixture all in one. Kinda tired of nailfiling six amps each week and draining 'm into a syringe. And there prices seem ok, aren't they? Besides there is no human grand brand that makes EQ anyway so.

But eurhm… I was kinda searching the forum for comments on 'm, but they were very thin. Only one who was raving was presser saying they tested overdoesed and overfilled :) (j/k again bro (hey i'ts been a while huh)). Can anyone mail me with they’re remarks on ‘m?

So tell me folks, what do ya all think?
I had to cut short an all EQL cycle, but I was getting awesome results for the short time I was on. I like this company. Looking forward to jumping back in on the 1st.
I just got in 3 bottles of EQL Test Enanthate today... I havent used it yet but will start in about 3 weeks.. I cant wait... Im going with their Test and Deca...
How about test enanth or cyp at 750mg or 1g a week.....

Nice and simple and should give decent gains mate.
Same as bigdog iam getting it together for may prop & winnie
i had good results from a prop tren cycle at begining of the year
iam going with them again a little pain but worth it.