NukNuk's Contest log...


MuscleChemistry member
Well I started my diet for a show on May 7. Was weighing around 270+ got sick, so started diet at 262lbs.

Todays weight: 258lbs
Body fat: have no idea and dont care.
Cardio: None yet
Protein: 400grams + a day
Carbs: 600 grams a day

Drug list as of now:
Test 2500mg/wk
M-drol 40mg/day
Insulin 10-15iu/day
HGH 2iu day
Masteron 400mg/wk

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I have a buddy going to help me out with diet, which is a big help...
do you know what your calories are? or your fat intake (we could guess calories from that).

I would think your fat intake is pretty low with all those carbs and proteins.
do you know what your calories are? or your fat intake (we could guess calories from that).

I would think your fat intake is pretty low with all those carbs and proteins.

I dont count calories, and as of right now Im not couting fat, but I will later.
im suprised your doing masteron now, instead of waiting to the last 8 weeks or so...any reason ?
Hey Nuk!!

I'm looking to do my first BB show on May 7th and I weigh about the same as you. 265lb. Big difference is I know my BF% and its hi.
I'm sitting at 22%. I hope I can be ready by then.
My question for you is what is your diet plan since you said you're starting now and I noticed you havent started any cardio??
I'll be following along closely
im suprised your doing masteron now, instead of waiting to the last 8 weeks or so...any reason ?

Agreed. I don't do alot of that stuff until 6 weeks out or 4 even. I usually stay with a faster test (prop) and some Deca until that point to keep my joints and tendons cooperating.
so i guess your doing the PC show then? i noticed a flyer for the showdown said its a national qualifer???

Im doing the Steel World in Mobile, AL. The PC show is the very next weekend. The showdown is just a NQ for the womens shit.
Gonna be following this....

I think it's a great learning tool to follow along with others on their journeys as well.
Im doing the Steel World in Mobile, AL. The PC show is the very next weekend. The showdown is just a NQ for the womens shit.

yea i saw the poster today in tiny little letters it says that, i tried to call you yesterday, but you never pick up any more:upset:
yea i saw the poster today in tiny little letters it says that, i tried to call you yesterday, but you never pick up any more:upset:

shot me a text, so I know who you are. I got a new phone and couldnt transfer my numbers.
Weight was 259.5 lbs today. Went and bought ALOT of food yesterday for the diet. Carb cycling will start in 2 weeks.