NukNuk's Contest log...

nuk you look like a freakin beast on that tred mill.... honestly you look way bigger than what you say you weight.

we really gotta see some pics right now!!!
yeah agree, with look bigger than 255lbs...maybe look around 270lbs or so...

in the video you did for look huge there...very impressive bro...
254lbs today. Had a great shoulder workout. Detail in some places are coming in faster than I thought.
Will drop the m-drol for 2 to 4 weeks then get back on. Everything else will stay the same, except I will start to carb cycle this week.
Will drop the m-drol for 2 to 4 weeks then get back on. Everything else will stay the same, except I will start to carb cycle this week.

how do you cycle your carbs...?

also are you doing your own prep or is someone helping you...just curious ?

one more question for ya...Do you feel like your growing right now, cause your strict with the diet, getting all your meals in..I do, when I start my prep, I seem to grow my best for the first 6-8 weeks...
how do you cycle your carbs...?

also are you doing your own prep or is someone helping you...just curious ?

one more question for ya...Do you feel like your growing right now, cause your strict with the diet, getting all your meals in..I do, when I start my prep, I seem to grow my best for the first 6-8 weeks...

I cycle my carbs as so:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are high carb days. Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday are low carb days.

Yes I have someone helping me. Same guy Dan Newmire uses.

Yes I do feel like Im growing this time around, last time I didnt feel like that.
250lbs again this morning.

For next week:

Test will be bumped up to 3200mg/wk

Arimidex will come back down to 1mg/day

Nolvadex will come in a 20-40mg/day

Masteron will stay at 400mg/week

IGF same
HGH same
Insulin same
Nuk, have you never experienced any "high dose test" sides? Like test flu, or feeling bad in general?
Nuk, have you never experienced any "high dose test" sides? Like test flu, or feeling bad in general?

this is why I have told nuk you could be a pro or top national level guy...not only he has the correct genetics, and drive..but he can handle the doses to without any ill side effects...only some people can do that...
this is why I have told nuk you could be a pro or top national level guy...not only he has the correct genetics, and drive..but he can handle the doses to without any ill side effects...only some people can do that...

yea, if I pin a gram of test in one day I feel ill. He claimed he did a whole vial (2500mg) in one day without any adverse effects.

I remembered the dude saying how bad he felt on 3g/wk of test.