Off to jail for 9 days.



Been on house arrest since last june, i wasnt scheduled to get off until july of this year but i went with me lawyer to court today to try and get off early and they are gonna let me. I just gotta do 9 days in jail.. Ill go in tonight at 8p and get out sunday the 29th at 8p.. works out perfect, i gotta package of bi tren, test p and dbol and winny in the mail headed this way, cant wait to get started when i get out... Ill be doing lots of pushups and sit ups, and hopefully watching a lot of MARCH MADNESS if the clowns in there will let me... dont wanna flex my muscle to much and get in a fight and get in more trouble.... so have a good week ya'll.. talk to you soon....:wave:
crazy shit man be safe, stick to yourself in there dont wanna turn your 9 day sentence in to years. I hope your jailtime isnt gear related lol and you have another pack heading that way.
Wait, why do you have to do jail time? Was this in another thread that I missed?
Atleast its just jail and Not prison, I had a 23 hour a day lock up when i was in! and the one hour we got was to eat and shit, I remember my first day in there im at a table with my two cell mates who insisted upon eating with me as if my size was gonna help them, so first day guy walks by after eating and we are all still sitting there and he says to the black guy next to me "You want you cookies?" we each had two horrible orange tasting cookies for desert on our plates, and the black kid at my tabel says "yes" So the other black guy bends down and leans over him and says " I SAID DO YOU WANT YOUR FUCKING COOKIES" as if to try to punk him out. The black kid at my table looks at me like im suppose jump in and save his ass,lmao. Thankfully the gaurds rushed over and told him to move along! Pretty positive that the "cookie crook" was trying to scare me without actualy fucking with me on my first day and feel me out,lol.

Long story short 9 days in jail aint got shit on one day in prison,lol. true story!!
Atleast its just jail and Not prison, I had a 23 hour a day lock up when i was in! and the one hour we got was to eat and shit, I remember my first day in there im at a table with my two cell mates who insisted upon eating with me as if my size was gonna help them, so first day guy walks by after eating and we are all still sitting there and he says to the black guy next to me "You want you cookies?" we each had two horrible orange tasting cookies for desert on our plates, and the black kid at my tabel says "yes" So the other black guy bends down and leans over him and says " I SAID DO YOU WANT YOUR FUCKING COOKIES" as if to try to punk him out. The black kid at my table looks at me like im suppose jump in and save his ass,lmao. Thankfully the gaurds rushed over and told him to move along! Pretty positive that the "cookie crook" was trying to scare me without actualy fucking with me on my first day and feel me out,lol.

Long story short 9 days in jail aint got shit on one day in prison,lol. true story!!

and if anyone is wondering , if that fucker asked for my cookies, I would have handed him both! Thought about it long hard that night cause thought for sure i was next,lol. I mean whats a couple of cookies and your man pride right,lmao
gotta do jail time because 5 years ago i was on probation and faked a drug sceen with the urinator. my lawyer kept postponing the court date and then last year they finally sentenced me to 6 months of home detention. ive been on it for 2 months and it sucks.. i wanted to get off early so my lawyer worked out a deal that i go serve 9 days instead of the remaining 4 months on house arrest.. good deal if you ask me i thought.. but yeah,,,, fuck the police..:finger:
Wow. I guess thats for drug screens were they watch you pee like when you enter the military. I guess alot can go wrong with that like simply dropping your dick on the
Love to see the face of the guy watching you when it slips out of your hand!!! I'd just start jumping around and screaming, figure if I'm getting busted for it anyway I'm going to make him panic a little bit.
9 days.....ull be fine bro, itl be boring as fuk no doubt but ull be straight.....maybe even lucky and get a cell full of contraband. The first couple days are the worst, ull probably sleep most of the time during them but after that ull adapt and get to know ur fellow inmates and it aint that bad. Wear your shower shoes!!!! Guess what everyone does in the shower? Yep, they beat off....ur not the only one, so do not go up into one barefoot, i learned that the hard way.
Ive seen those in mags before. Wish you well bro. Get it overwith and return to the free world. Presser this explains alot. I bet they loved you in jail. Those abs make for good eye candies for the sisters in the pen. LOL. By the way thanks for the igf hookup. Love ya' but not in a cellmate way.
i would go 9 days without showering period. Nobody would touch me i would wreak so fucking bad.
I had an ex girlfriend a long time ago tried to set me up and put me in prison because of my "supplments" to make a long story short...the police came and searched my house found what they wanted (all my supplements, about 3 grand worth) and took off...I went to jail on a dometic charge (I was yelling and screaming at her), and was relased by bail...Nothing ever came of it...All the police that was there was from my gym, and they all were friends of mine...They kinda did me a favor and sweep it all under the table...Nothing ever was said after that day...And then the bitch wanted to get back with me...!!!LOL!!! Truth was they knew better, and didnt want me to get into any trouble, they knew that was all my stuff for my personal use...