Ok smart guys... need your thoughts.


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I have a shoulder exercise that I do with dumbbells. Totally cooks and blows my whole shoulder up. Usually use it more as a finishing move, so that may be part of the reason why it blows me up so incredibly well. I don't know if it's actually healthy for my shoulder joints, or not. So I want your guys' opinion.
The movement is basically the same motion as doing jumping jacks/side straddle hops. I do it seated for better stability and to help keep my form. I normally don't use more than 12lb dumbbells when I do it. I just got my shoulders all healed up, and don't want to screw them up again. So what do you guys think? As long as it doesn't cause pain, and it blows all 3 heads of my delts up, am I ok to keep at it? Or am I doing something bad? If it will help, I might try to get a quick video tonight of me doing it.
I'll try to get one tonight. I'm with you on the no pain thing. I figured if it was really bad for me, there would be pain, especially since my shoulders are kind of screwed up anyways. But then again, we all know that rolling shrugs, behind the neck presses, and some movements like those are extremely bad for your joints/rotators... but you see people doing them every day.
Sounds like a full range of motion with emphasis on the side delts. Just make sure that you are not swinging the weight and use strict slow form.
Sounds like a full range of motion with emphasis on the side delts. Just make sure that you are not swinging the weight and use strict slow form.

I'm very strict on form and I NEVER swing or throw the weights I use. I learned that a long time ago. I'm a stickler when it comes to that.
If it doesn't hurt you, then go for it. I am going to start doing presses again on the smith machine. Only way I can do presses and I have to use girlie weight. Suxs!!!
I do laying Side Laterals on an incline bench set on lowest setting. Like Arnold did them. The exercise is in his encyclopedia and might be in Pumping Iron. I do those with just 25lbs DB. From time to time someone will say "those will wreck my shoulders" I just say "don't do them then". I've been doing those for years now and have no problems. If there is pain then stop for sure. I hurt my right shoulder once.......once. From doing Heavy Bench Press. Never again will I do anything heavy involving shoulders. But you know what Shoulders are now a strong point. And Chest has always grown easily for me, so I don't need to go heavy anyway. So I say keep on doing them. I'm going to try them on my next shoulder session. Thx.

Sent from The Iron Pile
Sounds like a full range of motion with emphasis on the side delts. Just make sure that you are not swinging the weight and use strict slow form.

I agree with that if your movements are controlled and not jerkery or to heavy .you should be gtg esp with slow controlled Movements that should strengthen your shoulders even more imho
I watched the video. That kind of looks like the side delt raises that a lot of the old school bb's used to do. Bringing it high. I do neutral grip on most dumbbell lifts, just like this one. I used to go high like that, but it bothered my shoulder & I figured it wasn't doing much for my side delt since it was already squeezed when I was level with my collar bone. I usually grab a hold of something with one hand & do the excercise while I'm leaning. Very comfortable like that, but that's just me