Pct for tren?


New member
hey bros im planning on doing a cycle of tren,deca and test cypo for about 15weeks.it looks like this.
week 1-15 test cypo 600 mgs aweek
week 1-15 deca 400 mgs aweek
week 1-15 tren a 100 mgs eod
now my ? is what kind of pct should i do.the reason i ask is because last time i did that cycle i did the nov and clomid 50mgs aday of both for 4 weeks and still lost alot on that pct so just wanted to know what i can do differently to get better pct results.anyway thanks guys
thanks bro .ya was thinking about adding it. but alot of people say its an over rated pct item but then some say its very useful.but it does make ur pct alot more expesive thats for sure.wondering if i should just up the dosage of nolv and clomid to 100mgs aday for the first two weeks
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