Pink Magic Review


National Strongman Competitor
OK, so as a favor to the forum, I am going to give you guys a legit review, over the period of a month, of an OTC product known as Pink Magic by USP labs...

I usually would NEVER even bother with OTC products, but I have pro's telling me this is legit...

So I am 5 days in and this is what I have to say so far...

NO bodyweight gain...

Irritability since I began taking it...

Slight increase in appetite, an hour or so after I take it I notice I am hungrier.

Slightly increased sex drive/aggression

Definitive Strength gains, maybe 2-3 reps more on many exercises, noticeable gains so far in strength

Slight vascularity changes and very slight bodyfat loss, I can see...

So far, I'd actually rate it pretty decent...

I am going to run it for 30 days total, so I will update you guys here and there...

I paid $44 bucks for it, and I am taking 6 pills on workout days, and 4 on Off Days...

Now mind you I have been competing for 16 years and tried EVERYTHING under the sun, so you can trust my review is on point, also remember what works for one person, may not work for the other...

^^ for any questions...
Yes, Sammy actually here goes...

So, strength has continued to climb, slower now, but definently pushing up more then I was previously...

Some endurance gains...

Appetite is kind of on and off....

Bodyweight is actually higher then it was, so I have to say I gained a few pounds...

Definently affecting my hormones, moods go up and down, and I definently can tell its spiking me up, and then estrogen must be rising as well, so it's definently not maintaining a constant blood plasma level IMO...

More like a spike, but not in a bad way...

Some bodyfat losses actually...

Overall, not bad so far for an OTC product...2 more weeks or so and I will update you guys and give an overall review.
I'm taking 3 pills 2x per day and I definently notice that after the second dosage, when the spike goes down, my moods change, definently estrogen kicking in...It must be somewhat androgenic based on this, reminds me kind of how you feel during PCT and are using Clomid and/or nolva..
For an OTC product, I have to say I am pretty impressed...The gains are not comparable to AAS, but like I said, noticeable changes in 2 weeks so really not many OTC products can do this...