Poll: Which would you rather look like?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Harvey Balboner
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Would you rather look like the bodybuilders of the 70's or todays.

  • 70's (Arnold, Franco, Serge, Lou)

    Votes: 93 73.2%
  • Today (Ronnie, Gunter, Jay)

    Votes: 34 26.8%

  • Total voters
Nitrous Oxide said:
Just out of the curiosity, why is everyone down with Arnold..If I'm correct these days professional bodybuilders look much more bigger..muscular..and everything aong then 70's..take for example Ronnie Coleman (Today) and Arnold (70's)..BUT I like how they have upper body bigger and tiny waist..thats the only thing today's bodybuilders don't focus on.

I perfer that era because of the small waists & big chest/arms look, and just how healthy & strong they looked.

I would never want to be as big as Ronnie. He just looks like a freak to me.
Harvey Balboner said:
I perfer that era because of the small waists & big chest/arms look, and just how healthy & strong they looked.

I would never want to be as big as Ronnie. He just looks like a freak to me.

But what about the legs? You've got to admit that the guys from Arnold's era didn't have much holding up those huge upper bodies. Look at Cutler's legs. There's just no comparison.
I'd love to look like Ronnie, i'd love to be that big and freaky. They just keep getting bigger and freakier, Arnold was 240, coleman was 292 and now Trevor SMith of Nuclear Nutrition is 415lbs!(mind you that is offseason, but that is still a ridiculous amount of mass, i anna look like that):(....one day :)
Arnold was great. He just lacked legs. I loved the small tight midsections of the 70s and 80s guys. But, today, guys like Ronnie are a specimen. I'm def a fan of anyone that dedicates their life and attains that kind of size, even if he had to pay the price with a gh gut. Overall though, I am really liking the Victor Martinez/Richard Jones type physiques coming up. These guys are big, full and vascular, yet still have defined, tight mid sections. And the symmetry and aesthetics on these guys! Lines are perfect. That would be my ideal physique right there.
Thats like asking who hits harder... football players of the 60's or of the 2000's..no comparison.

If you like full blown, monster mass,powerful,ripped to shreds,rippling muscle then today BBers are hands down superior. If you really pick apart the old school BBders the are full of flaws.can you honestly say that about todays top stars? About the ONLY flaw todays stars have may be they are so ig some of us think their too big... Think about it..thats pretty big. Did anybody ever dream of saying the stars of the 70's were or would ever be too big?
I guess Ben Johnson was TOO FAST.
Tiger Woods is too good. Gary Franks is Too strong. Pam Anderson is too hot.(oops! I digress) Bottom line..they are the best of the best and the best of all time....for now. Just my opinion
one of the absolute best bodies i have ever seen was on BOB PARIS . does anyone rememeber him ? i also saw him live at the 84 olympia. that guy was absolutely perfect. except for one flaw. he preferred the pole to the hole . when i first found out he was a fag i almost shit myself. why would anyone waste that perfect body on another man ?? oh well, even though i don't respect his mating habits , i do respect his physique. perfect size, and perfect symetry.
I would rather look like Arnold, Lou Ferogno or Tom Platz than Cutler and Coleman, they're just to big...
I would take Arnies bod when he was 28 and zap him to the year 2004. I would then give him all the goodies that the pro's have access to today. You would have a true freak of nature. For Gods sake, the dude reigned """"""30""""""" years ago and STILL posess's the most amazing biceps/pecs development of all time. Sure, Ronnie might have more splits and cuts in his biceps, but speaking of sheer height and volume, Arnolds biceps development has _never_ been surpassed. Now imagine how those biceps would look with all those new satellite cells recruited from GH.lol Mind boggling! Here is my hypothetical take:

Arnolds stats(competition shape):
weight - 1974/238 2004/282
chest - 1974/57" 2004/60"
arms - 1974/22 1/2" 2004/24 1/2"
waist 1974/34" 2004/35"
thighs 1974/28 1/2" 2004/32"
calves 1974/20" 2004/21 1/2"

p.s...He wouldn't _abuse_ GH enuff to get the pregnant look as he wants to keep his waist slim, hence his bdwt would only be 282...but he would carry the same lines as he did in '75. Nobody would touch him on stage.

I like the robby robinson, frank zane, tommy oritz look. They had size and execellent proportion. THey were above odrinary large but not freakish. I persaonlly think that the sport of BB has lost its way since BBers decided to see just how big they could go the sport lost alot when that heppened.
Im very surprised so many prefer the old look, granted, I dig it, but todays guys are freaks, Im a freak at heart so why not look it-wheelz
This is actually a quite common conversation between me and my workout buddies, I voted back in the day pro's. now adays they have such bloated guts, it is distracting from their massiveness. Doesn't look good at all in my opinion.
I like em all but Arnold and the old guys didn'ty have thee advantages today's do.I started when I was 14 and worked out at the gym Haney trained in.It was about that time when mass started to matter more than symetry.man that guy was huge!and then Dorian came out and they been getting bigger ever since.
Its funny how I can look at the pics of the 70's style bb's and think to myself, "hmm, they look more natural". And overall maybe thats what makes me think that the 70s era is a better look, they look human instead of like cartoons. (not to mention i hate the gh-gut look)
I would rather look like one of todays aesthetic pro's Dexter Jackson, darrem Charles Melvin Anthony they look great but healthy, Arnold and Oliva had amazing physiques and I would be more than happy with looking like any of them.
That said I would love to look like Ronnie for a day just to see the reactions you get from the general public. I am only 240 lbs and I get a lot of strange looks from people so I can only imagine what someone of 320lbs goes through
I am shocked over how many of you would rather look like the 70's guys. This site is based on exchanging ideas in order to stay ahead of the curve. The latest developments in drugs, training, and nutrition are helping to create bigger and stronger bodybuilders. I will take it a step further and say that I would prefer to look like a half man/half robot bodybuilder 50 years in the future than anyone around today.
I am a retro guy-drive a classic car, wear a classic watch, prefer the classic look-evenly proportioned. I would say that is what I am more able to achieve anyway since there are very few here that can go or are pro. I don't do it for the competition-I do it for the chicks, respect and self confidence. Retro baby!