Problems of erection. Help!!


New member

I am new to this site and I will introduce myself. I am a spanish bodbuilder, 43 years old. The second week of June I started a cycle of testorene, trembolone and boldenone. Just 5 weeks. One week after finishing I took only CLOMID 100mg per day during 10 days. But I began feeling lost of erection and of libido. So my trainer recommended me to start a new pct wiyth hcg and clomi. So after 15 days of finisihing the cycle I injected HCG and took CLOMID again in the same quantity. But I have problems of erection and sexual desire since then. I am in the third week after finishing my second PCT and nothing has changed. Can anybody help me? Please!!!!
welcome to MC when i have those problems i just let my gf know its not her and if she wants some of this she better get to sucking and make sure i have cialis
you will probably get it back so try not to stress to much over it cuz stress can also cause ED issues. also it is part of aging and even tho its a blow to PRIDE its part of getting older just be grateful for cialis and viagra
Hey thank you all for your comments. This was my first cycle in my life and for god s sake the last one. I am trying maca tribulus l-arginina and zma.. I hope it does not take much longer. How long do you think I can stay this way? This is the 3 week after finishing the 2 pct....
I have always had an intense sex life so this is unbearable. I will get the results of the analysis next friday and I will go to the doctor on tuesday with the results. Let s see what he says.
Welcome to the board brother. I've always thought and heard that clomid and nova would do the job, but at 43 your test could be a lot lower than you think. I would see a Dr. and he may give you a script for test. Good luck brother
Seems like your prolactin levels are high. Tren and eq cause progesterone build up. Try taking dostinex/cabergine. That should cure your ED problems
Seems like your prolactin levels are high. Tren and eq cause progesterone build up. Try taking dostinex/cabergine. That should cure your ED problems

i say u hit the nail on the head..even with low tren my sex drive dips..clomid/dostinex or cabaser(cheaper) and u might like to try proviron it will up your mood and sex drive..ive used it in my last two pct.

did u run dostinex at all in your cycle?

i tell people till im blue in the face always run an anti p with tren people dont remember what a strong aas it is..

with all due respect bro u could of made great gains and done a simple pct with just test and u would be in love with the u gona regret taking it..u should of come here before not after..but hayhoe..lets try and sort it ..good luck and welcome to the board..
Seems like your prolactin levels are high. Tren and eq cause progesterone build up. Try taking dostinex/cabergine. That should cure your ED problem

How do I take this dostinex or cabergine? Dose ? Time?
Where can I get it?
Thank you very much to all. I hope I can overcome this soon.
MC do and anti P dossage is there as well..
might be a good idea to google tren and prolactin just to give your self an idea what u are dealing with..
lets hope u have not started bad joke but true..