
This log has been a long time coming.
This year has been rough to say the least. I havent done a whole lot in the last few months. Without to much detail. Pretty much lost my house, and my wife, (work in progress). Kinda depressed, My Daughter broke her wrist, i was pretty sick due to,my asthma. I was put on all,kinds of meds.. and blew up fast. 20-25lbs in a few weeks .

So back to recomping .16-20weeks

1-4 sd 20-30 mg ed or 20 mg for 5weeks
1-6 Test e/eq blend 400/400
1-6 mast e 600 week
7-10 test e/eq blend 400/650
7-10 Mast e 600
11-20 eq 650 or 750ew
var 70-100mg ed
Provi 50 ed
Aromasin 20mg ed
T3 50mcg

Switch to short esters*
Eq til the end!*
Running all my support supps
Also prami

My goal gain some lean mass while shedding the fat!*

I will be 225 by the end of june! It go time. No excuse.... just grinding!

Questions ,comments.*
Might add*
5-10 tren e 400mg ew thought on this. I dont realy run long esters so this is a little different for me.
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I want to give a shout out to pct shop and Mountain-Man for hooking me up
And sponsoring my superdrol. 100count 10mg tabs. Customer service is great! Shipping was discreet. And t/a was faster than expected. It will,take about a week to gauge what im feeling! As for everything else . It is all PSL.
I will post up pics of what im running . Hope you like what you see
test/eq/ 200/200 blend
mast e 200mg left delt. Smooth like butter!! No pip
20 mg superdrol preworkout-pct shop.
Yesterday was a bit of fun and family. A little bit of grieving. My fathers youngest brother.passed away. So, this is the third one he had to,bury. a little tough getting on, just because it is so much going on. My uncle was layed out today only, buried tomorrow. So i apologize for not being on the site as much as i should be , or as busy! Just for today and tomorrow. He was 59 , liver cancer. Be back,this evening maybe sooner..

The superdrol ,so far is so good! Muscles are feeling fuller.