Pullovers...who does them?


MuscleChemistry member
Who does them and what bodypart are you trying to work when you do?

Personally I prefer the pullover machince and do them on back day. I really get a pump in my back from these and like the longer range of motion it gives.
i've recently become fond of stiff arm pulldowns from a high pulley but using the rope attachment for lats as a finishing movement/windowmaker.....the problem i have doing them with a db on a bench is i'm really strong with this exercise and it's hard to find not only someone to hand me the dumbell when i'm in position, but also someone to stand or hold down my feet......at 185lbs i can still handle 100lbs db in this fairly easily without my hips moving.....i've also used a barbell with these but now only use a bb for bb pullover and press for triceps...for those i prefer a straight bar instead of ez bar....to me it's more natural and actually less stress on my elbows
DB pullover on a bench ... going way down...

I do this for back...I get a killer pump and it really gets to my upper back, right under the arm pit
I use the pullover machine as well. Only recently have I found that I feel it much more in my back if I DON'T use the pads for your elbows. I include this in my back workouts cuz I'm trying to get my lats to show from the front better.
DB pullover on a bench ... going way down...

I do this for back...I get a killer pump and it really gets to my upper back, right under the arm pit

I used to do these. Haven't for a few years, but perhaps I should start up again.