pureanabolics.bz steroids don’t work


New member
this is a garbage source so cross it off your list
pureanabolic.bz is who I used.
They have their brands of gear.
Very bizarre that none of their products are tested but ordered anyway on the advice of a gym buddy.
That was a huge mistake.
There are testosterone and deca is what I used and this stuff is 100% under dosed. Usually on a cycle like this I’ll put on 10 or 15 pounds but I only put on like two or three pounds. Stay away
this is a garbage source so cross it off your list
pureanabolic.bz is who I used.
They have their brands of gear.
Very bizarre that none of their products are tested but ordered anyway on the advice of a gym buddy.
That was a huge mistake.
There are testosterone and deca is what I used and this stuff is 100% under dosed. Usually on a cycle like this I’ll put on 10 or 15 pounds but I only put on like two or three pounds. Stay away
pureanabolics.bz has been super scamming people for a while
he was called out on anabolex