Real Myostatin Inhibitors Available

Just ordered some a few days ago, waiting for it to arrive. 2mg of antibody.
Cost was $138 with shipping. How long it lasts is really up to me. I'm going to have to experiment with the dosage. I may treat it like IGF-1 and use 100mcg/day, I'm not sure. I'm hoping I get some results out of it, who knows what will happen.
Cost was $138 with shipping. How long it lasts is really up to me. I'm going to have to experiment with the dosage. I may treat it like IGF-1 and use 100mcg/day, I'm not sure. I'm hoping I get some results out of it, who knows what will happen.
Please keep us up to date, bro... if it works, I'm willing to give it go. Plus that's pretty inexpensive.
Cost was $138 with shipping. How long it lasts is really up to me. I'm going to have to experiment with the dosage. I may treat it like IGF-1 and use 100mcg/day, I'm not sure. I'm hoping I get some results out of it, who knows what will happen.

So how similar are all these antibodies and why are some so much more expensive than others? Does the one you ordered work in the same way as the one that's $400 per 0.2mg?

I wish I knew more about this stuff, I'm eager to see how well it works.
The one I ordered is different in that it is an antibody while the ACVR2B is not. It is also a different antibody than the one originally posted about. I'm not sure how well or even if it is going to work. The one I got is called MYO-029, and the company that made it finished a clinical trial, but they decided not to pursue developing it. The trial excluded persons that were on steroids so they don't know how it will affect someone who is on them. The antibody just attachs to and blocks the myostatin molecule, but the ACVR2B presents a sort of "receptor" site so the myostatin goes there instead of to the muscle.

I took 100mcg this morning. I didn't expect to feel anything different from the beginning, and I didn't. I didn't think much about it later on, but interestingly, I was very hungry when lunch time came around. I'm off everything so I know the hunger wasn't from gear, plus, it certainly wasn't a placebo effect because the stuff wasn't even on my mind at the time. I'm curious to find out what happens after my workout tonight. Maybe I won't get anything out of it, but I'm hoping I do.
Okay, now that this thread has turned my attention, I'm evaluating myself, and I'm feeling unusually pumped which doesn't really happen so often only from just eating lunch (1000+ cal). And now I can't tell if it is in my head or a real effect.
I'm just getting back into training and stocking up on my gear. Because of a divorce and bad shoulder. This sounds like the thing I need to gain back the 35lbs of muscle I lost. So please keep me posted.
Last night's workout was interesting. I suppose it could be just the fact that I've been trying to eat more calories, but I remember last week doing dumbbell presses I used 115 pounders for 10 reps with the last couple being a little difficult. Last night I got out the 120 pounders and I was able to crank out 12 one after the other. I was a little surprised because I thought I was only going to get out maybe 5-6 reps which is typically what would have happened. I had strength for higher poundages for a few other exercises as well. I was extremely pumped afterwards, quite visibly larger.

Today I decided to take 200mcg to see if anything felt differently as opposed to yesterday. Again, I've been feeling pumped all day, but then again, that could be leftover from my workout last night--except that I feel pumped everywhere and last night was chest and shoulders. I am hungry again as well. In fact, I woke up at about 5:00 this morning with my stomach growling very loudly.

So far it's hard to attribute anything except maybe the fact that I'm eating more, but I definitely feel something seems different. These are my thoughts on how I feel so I apologize if it seems random.
Okay, like yesterday about this time, my muscles feel like they are buzzing. I'm feeling it from head to toe. Does this mean the muscles are growing? I don't know. It's certainly more than just simply being sore from my workout because I only worked chest and shoulders so only those muscles should really be feeling anything yet I'm extremely aware of my quads, hams, and calves right now as well as upper body.
Last night's workout was interesting. I suppose it could be just the fact that I've been trying to eat more calories, but I remember last week doing dumbbell presses I used 115 pounders for 10 reps with the last couple being a little difficult. Last night I got out the 120 pounders and I was able to crank out 12 one after the other. I was a little surprised because I thought I was only going to get out maybe 5-6 reps which is typically what would have happened. I had strength for higher poundages for a few other exercises as well. I was extremely pumped afterwards, quite visibly larger.

Today I decided to take 200mcg to see if anything felt differently as opposed to yesterday. Again, I've been feeling pumped all day, but then again, that could be leftover from my workout last night--except that I feel pumped everywhere and last night was chest and shoulders. I am hungry again as well. In fact, I woke up at about 5:00 this morning with my stomach growling very loudly.

So far it's hard to attribute anything except maybe the fact that I'm eating more, but I definitely feel something seems different. These are my thoughts on how I feel so I apologize if it seems random.

Okay, like yesterday about this time, my muscles feel like they are buzzing. I'm feeling it from head to toe. Does this mean the muscles are growing? I don't know. It's certainly more than just simply being sore from my workout because I only worked chest and shoulders so only those muscles should really be feeling anything yet I'm extremely aware of my quads, hams, and calves right now as well as upper body.

Man, this stuff sounds potentially very awesome. I can't wait until a few more weeks to see what happens and know the results can't be from diet, or any other factors.
@saudades: you can feel hungrier because inhibiting myostatin should lower blood glucose levels so i guess it's working.

How's the weight, have you noticed any changes so far, even minimal?
I don't want to pee in anyone's cheerios's, but what about the bodies basic physiology when it comes to adding tissue. You can't circumvent the fact that each pound requires 3500 calories. To make real tissue gains of even 7lbs of muscle a week, that would require me to eat 7500 calories a day.... everyday. I wasn't able to find any info of the tested animals food consumption. Did they just lay next to the food bowl all day every day and eat?? Don't get me wrong, I'll be the first one to take 3 weeks of vacation and eat nothing, but steak and potato's.
I don't want to pee in anyone's cheerios's, but what about the bodies basic physiology when it comes to adding tissue. You can't circumvent the fact that each pound requires 3500 calories. To make real tissue gains of even 7lbs of muscle a week, that would require me to eat 7500 calories a day.... everyday. I wasn't able to find any info of the tested animals food consumption. Did they just lay next to the food bowl all day every day and eat?? Don't get me wrong, I'll be the first one to take 3 weeks of vacation and eat nothing, but steak and potato's.

I have been looking for that information as well. For the mice that gained 60% more muscle mass, did they just let them eat as much as they want? Animals will just keep eating if there is food available.

The amount I'm using is so minute, I don't think it is really doing much, BUT appetite has been through the roof. I've literally had to eat something at least every couple of hours. I thought that perhaps this stuff could be just GHRP-6, but I remember when I took a lot of that stuff, everything would get flushed out of me because it causes your stomach to empty. This stuff is definitely not doing that. Weight isn't really climbing, but poundages in the gym have increased a lot from last week to this one. I will be interested to see what happens next week.