Real Myostatin Inhibitors Available

@saudades: you can feel hungrier because inhibiting myostatin should lower blood glucose levels so i guess it's working.

How's the weight, have you noticed any changes so far, even minimal?

No real weight gain as of yet, but as I mentioned earlier, poundages have increased on my lifts in the gym. I went from 115 lb dumbbells for 10 hard reps for dumbbell press to 120 lbs for 12 cranked out reps that were surprisingly much easier. I'm wondering if I will be easily able to do 125 lb dumbbells next week.
So can your body learn to make these antibodies, I wonder? I decided to not take the stuff yesterday and today to see if there would be any difference in the way I feel, but my appetite has not changed although I think the strange pump has worn off some. Hmmm....
Although the calorie requirements to make 1lb of muscle may be 3500 calories.... I wonder how much extra calories your body actually burns with the muscle limiting functions that it has.

For example say your body burns an additional 250+ calories each day with the processes it goes through to limit the muscle you build.
Took my last doses yesterday and today, and now I can say there is definitely a difference to what I'm feeling. I think this stuff also gives me a bit of insomnia. It even overrode the ambien I take to sleep a couple of times. Strength is definitely up. I probably need to use more of it because right now I'm not sure if I'm stronger just because I'm trying harder and eating more or because there's an actual change--EXCEPT that if it's due to the increase in calories, it sure took its sweet time in showing up since I've been eating more for a couple of months now. Used 125 lb dumbbells for 7 reps yesterday for dumbbell press which again surprises me. That's the heaviest dumbbells I have ever used, and I expect to be using the 130s soon given the way things are going.
So how long of a cycle or it were you doing , and so the benefits IF they are from the inhibitor itself only last while your taking it with the short cycle you took , from what you can tell so far?

Nothing where you get the same effects on as off a month down the road till it wears off.
I only had 1mg of inhibitor, and I ran it 100mcg/day except for one day where I took 200mcg to see if there was any difference. Any benefits from this should be permanent. From most of the other studies run on myostatin inhibitors, the effects seemed to continue on for a bit even after cessation of the inhibitor so I expect that I will continue to feel the same for at least a couple more days since I did over this last weekend when I didn't take it. The one effect I'm experiencing that I find very strange is that I seem to be almost constantly hungry. Though I'll eat a big meal, even 20-30 minutes later, I still feel hungry though I can feel my stomach is full, and it is definitely not the same type of hungry one gets when using GHRP-6. In fact, I have to eat something right now because my stomach is growling at me.
Sweet , so how cost effect is 1mg? What is a good or recommended dosage and how long does it last.

I know you just started it as a ginuea pig , you probably dont have the answers but im nosey.
Well, compared to the other inhibitors, it costs as much as or a little more than IGF. The others are far more expensive right now. No one really knows a recommended dosage. I had 1mg so I used 100mcg/day which is 10 days (although it ended up being 9 since I used 200mcg one day). I guessed at that dosage because of the amounts used in the studies of other inhibitors so I concluded that 100mcg would be a good beginning dosage to see what happens.
The difference has mostly been in the way I feel. Most noted has been that I have been feeling constantly hungry, and my strength has surprisingly increased more than I expected over the last two weeks on pretty much all my lifts. I kind of wonder what would happen with a much larger dose, but I'm not sure I want to guinea pig that kind of a dosage. Just a couple of weeks at 100mcg is probably not really long enough to cause much of a visible difference, but it sure did have some effects.
Well, here's a new pic from the gym last night. So what do you think? Did the stuff work? I'm still not on cycle yet. I like to think it did something.

Edit: Second picture was from April 1 for a comparison. For me, it looks like I'm much fuller now though it might not be too much of a difference. I'm definitely stronger though.
Lol, yeah, I shaved. I don't use thc, so it was definitely the inhibitor causing it. I've been off of it for a couple of days now, but the hunger level has only dropped minimally so far if at all. I'll see how it goes by the end of the week. I just may be buying some more of it.
I probably will, but I need to take time off so I can directly compare to see if the supposed effect wears off or if it was all due to something else. Myostatin inhibitors in all the studies tended to keep on going for some time after the last dose so if what I am experiencing/experienced is from the inhibitor, then after a few more days the hunger should drop down to what it was before I started.
I see a difference for sure man. Like hatr3d said, fuller and rounder, and that's just a couple months. I bet with a cycle with any substantial length, the effects would be pretty impressive.