Ripped or HUGE!?!?!

Shredded, Huge, or As is

  • Shredded, but not Huge

    Votes: 42 42.9%
  • Huge, But kinda Soft

    Votes: 26 26.5%
  • As is, to mold as I will

    Votes: 30 30.6%

  • Total voters
i chose #3, I'm 5'9 @225 lbs right now n my ultimate goal is to hit 240 lbs @ 8-10% bf.......that'd be swole n cut enough for me.
I have to go with one.when I first started I dreamed of being huge but being 6'1" with an ectomorph frame,It ain't gonna happen bro's.I stay between 195 and 210 at about10%bf.Anymore than that my elbows and knee's kill me.But that's okay,damn I look good like this,and besides when your hung like a horse that makes up for it!!!
im with normal on this one as long as i wasnt a fat ass i would love to be as big ass possible just kinda soft i would like to be around 240 at abour 13% thats my goal i dont wanna be completely shredded unless i do a show.
yeah that would be nice too haha super man those are awesome stats good work bro
I'm going to go with mold my own since I like to bulk in the winter and make the sidewalk crack under me when I walk down the street and I like to get shredded in the summer
I am sure I like where I am at. But going with the two options I would choose 1. Ripped gets more reaction only when you take your shirt off but chicks dig it. Option 2 you would not have to take your shirt off but you might run the risk of being called "just another fat ass, has been bastard". I'm sure everyone has or knows the guy who went to the gym back in the day and did the roids but then gave it up and just looks a bit pudgy today.
I would like to know where everyone gets this misconception that girls give a shit about what a guy's body looks like...their paycheck maybe :puke:
girls don't give a shit what a guy looks like if he is fat and has a fat check the hoe will blow...I use to be a model/stripper and at the end of the night the girls would even tell me that looks aren't that important as long as they have a slob to take care of them and their 3 bastard children and afford them the opportunity to sit at home and be lazy :thumbsup:
I was laughing my ass off all the way to the bank
speaking of which I need to get back into that
huge at like 12% body fat 10 would be better but 12 would be easier to maintain.
mikeswift said:
I'm going to go with mold my own since I like to bulk in the winter and make the sidewalk crack under me when I walk down the street and I like to get shredded in the summer

lmao. last night i was fishin with IP and when we walked back up the 100 steps it takes to get back to my truck he was all out of breath and broke through one the steps. I was like "you're such a fat *ss!" ahh you had to be there.

I would have to go with 3. I'm fairly new to the BB world and don't yet know what my potential could be.
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