Single, Married, significant other?

What's your status?

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I actually like being single. I guess if I found someone I could stand for longer than a day and who didn't bitch to me about their needs then I guess I would sign up for LTR.

The only thing that sucks when single is the lack of guaranteed sex. Ironically, I would actually do anything to be in a relationship right now just for that reason…thanks to this libido from fucking hell thanks to the gear.
I think we all deserve to get a new wife every 10 to 15 years or so... I'm 35 and I'm on my second wife and I'm very happy but I can see wanting some new pussy in another 10 years ;).
mikeswift said:
I think we all deserve to get a new wife every 10 to 15 years or so... I'm 35 and I'm on my second wife and I'm very happy but I can see wanting some new pussy in another 10 years ;).

yeah I've been down that path too. I have a 3 year old child from the last real relationship I was in. My X was very attractive, fake tits and all but hell that pussy got old after a year.
Married - Guaranteed Sex - in the same sentence. I bet you never been married.
That was some of our biggest battles. I dont do to bad cus we know MANY
people (her mother and brother included) who cheated cus their other half wouldn't give it
up, got caught then divorced. I told my old lady she dont have to do me but
that first ass that gets shaken in my face is gonna get it instead - no threat,
just fact. Stomach full and balls empty = happy man. Shit - if you got a dog
you got spend some time to pet it every day or so - what about your man.
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I have multiple personalities. Im working all of the above.

Married when I get home.

Single when Im alone.

In a casual relationship when I get stoned.

Single when I have to jerk the bone.
I've been married for 25yrs and its the best thing that as ever happend to me. When I cycle, she is there pin in hand. She is built and has people tell her all the time she looks like Linda Carter witch she does.
I feel like such a youngin, lol, but yeah I have a gf of 2 months now, don't use AAS yet, but we've talked about it and she does'nt mind that much, but she does'nt like it much, she just runs for fun or when I go for a run
divorced loved being married. husband wasnt in love with me anymore. I want him to be happy. He could go on and on about how he didnt love me.
gypsymoth said:
He could go on and on about how he didnt love me.

avoiding marriage all-together seems so much easier. Its not IF things will turn sour, but WHEN.

* and no, Im not a pessimist *
Engaged for 14 years. Where does that fall in the survey? haha I treated it as live in significant other. Figured people seem happiest when they are engaged so why not just stay there.

She works out and is in great shape but not into bodybuilding.
OneBigDog said:
Engaged for 14 years. Where does that fall in the survey? haha I treated it as live in significant other. Figured people seem happiest when they are engaged so why not just stay there.

She works out and is in great shape but not into bodybuilding.
engaged is good, but then people always ask, "when ya gonna get it over with". ugh!

but after 14 years, I think they would stop asking.

for so many, marriage equals less sex, more fighting and eventually divorce. Lets just stay at the "dating but still fucking alot" stage, no matter how long that is.
mikeswift said:
OK just wanted to get a feel for the demographics of all of our members.
IF you do have a signigicant other are they involved in bodybuilding or fitness or the lifestyle in any way or just on the sidelines for you?

Well Mikeswift, I'm finally taken for good. lol. Soon to be married here and shes a national level bbing competitor which is a MUST for me.
married, but my hubby who's a site rep and been on hear since 2002 is too tired from work all the sudden to go to the gym ! lame ass !!! we freaken met at a gym and now i am the only one going ???
Spiderman said:
I thought Noel was back when I saw it up there
I was wishing Noel was back because I love oggling her avatar... but anytime someone votes even if they don't post it will bump it back to the top