Slight pain when I piss???


I get a slight pain from time to time when I piss. It feels as though my inside is scraped if you know what I mean. The pain is not terribe but it's enought to make me think about it. It kinda started when I started my tren and prop cycle. do you thinnk it's gear related? I'm puzzled.
could be access protein coming out, i know it sounds funy but I ad that once, like granules of sand comng out my poor guy, hurts a bit but not to bad
lol, I guess ur happy ur not dieing or ur pecker isnt falling off ay,lol
your probobally not drinking enough water, i had the same problem with my fina last time, i uped the water and the problem subsided...MM
Sounds like something I caught in the Philipines many moons ago...Have you been putting your dipstick into dirty engine oil?
man that'll put a damper on your big party!
*takes girl upstairs, he says"hold on baby i gotta pee", she hears him in the bathroom "ouch oh god that hurts damn"....she runs for the exit*
heckman said:
Sounds like something I caught in the Philipines many moons ago...Have you been putting your dipstick into dirty engine oil?

lol, sounds like a venereal disease. Maybe your hand cream is having a bad reaction.:p
KidRok said:
man that'll put a damper on your big party!
*takes girl upstairs, he says"hold on baby i gotta pee", she hears him in the bathroom "ouch oh god that hurts damn"....she runs for the exit*

DangerousGround said:
lol, sounds like a venereal disease. Maybe your hand cream is having a bad reaction.:p

Sounds like you could be having an auto-immune reaction... Do you have a rash on your hand?...


Maybe its a case of urinary retention caused by elevated levels of DHT that is inturn causing a mid case of BPH.
The urinary retention will cause a urinary tract infection due ti the increased amount of time bacteria is staying in your bladder. This , if left uncheck or dealt with can escalate to a full urinary tract infection and possible prostititus. Drinking large volumes of water is a great way to ward off this ailment. Take a lasix then drink and piss your system clean.


You may just be yanking it too much.